Condit vs Koscheck Feb 4th


 Josh Koscheck 


Yep, when I talk..... i get... Feb 4th weekend Vegas :) I will be fighting!!!!!!!!!!! Thx you DW!

Well, if Condit can't stay off his back against Kos, then he wouldn't have been able to against GSP, so it's a good matchup and gauge to see if he's ready for St. Pierre.

Easy fight for Condit! Koscheck does not know what he is getting himself into.

If Kos wins, then what? He isn't getting another shot at GSP. Phone Post

Kos by ud if he fights smart. (Ala gsp) Phone Post

mijo - Easy fight for Condit! Koscheck does not know what he is getting himself into.

Kos is good and no one beats him easy but I agree. I think Condit has actually achieved the level above with guys like GSP, Diaz, Ando, Bones, Edgar. He will be a non stop battle for anyone at 170 and more times than not win against top comp.

It only proves he is fightong feb 4th not that he is fighting Condit

greathamza - It only proves he is fightong feb 4th not that he is fighting Condit

 Who was he talking shit about?


He's fighting Condit.

Condit is going to put a whuppin on this guy....

If Condit beats Koscheck, all the doubters will need to STFU.

But sadly, Koscheck is going to expose and destroy Condit, and he won't be close to a title shot again.

I am not sure if I'd be that confident in Koscheck winning. He is very error-prone and hittable - the very traits Condit capitalizes on regularly. And Condit is a good scrambler and an active/ferocious attacker off his back. He's going to bust up Koscheck even from that position

Also despite what people here will say, this is a good match-up

Koscheck is essentially a poor man's GSP. Comparable wrestling, but inferior stand-up and BJJ. Koscheck should be a good barometer of how Condit would fare against GSP.

Even if Condit loses, the UFC has Jake Ellenberger to fall back on for the next #1 Contender

Good matchup. Only problem is it will reveal a lot of Condits game should Koscheck try to GnP, LnP. GSP will be sure to use that knowledge.

Northside Strangler -  

Condit is doing the same. 

 That is a thing of beauty.

BuddyRevell - Well, if Condit can't stay off his back against Kos, then he wouldn't have been able to against GSP, so it's a good matchup and gauge to see if he's ready for St. Pierre.

I was think exactly the same thing. Condit needs to show if he can scramble and sweep against one of the divisions best grapplers. Its been a long time since Shields dominated him so it'll be a good gage of just how far he's improved.

Standing up Carlos has the technique, power and chin (Ellenberger dropped bombs on him) to beat Kos around the cage
just like Alves did

 Get it done NBK and take what is yours.

 Carlos is better standing and with submissions....

Seems like a safe bet to me -

Looks like Condit gave up his title shot.

 wow, a very dangerous fight for Condit to take, if he wins there's no denying he's the premier challenger for the title

mugatu -  wow, a very dangerous fight for Condit to take, if he wins there's no denying he's the premier challenger for the title

 I love the idea of GSP/Diaz...but I don't think anyone can beat a resume of Ellenberger, RoryMac, Hardy, and Stun Gun