CONFIRMED! AGA special guest is...

 ...ROBERTO "SPIDER" TRAVEN!!!  World BJJ Champion, ADCC Absolute Division World Champion, and UFC veteran, Roberto Traven, will be the AGA's special guest/guest referee for the gi divisions at the AGA tournament on Sunday, Nov. 15 (unfortunately, he could not come to the no-gi divisions on Sat., Nov. 14).  He will also have several items, including some of his instructional videos for sale.

Come out to see a World Champ!

WOW! If you had to have a special guest, that would be as good as you can get!

 Traven is based in Atlanta, so it only made sense to have a talent like him, located in the SE, come and help us out.  The man is super cool, too.  No embellishment at all; he is good people. 

^^^^ will add some class to the AGA

 What could be more classy than the Sambo Ladies Champ...?

 A "globe trotting" Sambo Ladies Champ...

 yes it would, and that is a "globe trotting, undfeated ladies Sombo Champion" forfeiting the title due to a pinky injury!  Long time no talk Phillip, the year has truly flown by!  Talk to you soon brother!

 keeps on slippin', slippin'...

 You have mail, Blazer.

williepep - ^^^^ will add some class to the AGA

I might even take a shower this time. LOL, glad that this worked out. BTW look for many more surprises from the AGA if you continue to support what we are trying to do!

 got it, willing to help support the cause my friend.