Congrats Dan Miller

Congrtulations to Dan Miller on his well deserved and well earned purple belt from Jamie Cruz. Keep up the great work Dan, we look forward to your fight April 13th. We are all behind you.

Congrats Dan.


Excellent work. TTT for the pics. ( just becuase I am in them and I am a shameless camera whore )

Congrats! Well deserved indeed!


ttt - Well Deserved  - Keep up the hard Training..


Mike Constantino

Congrats Dan!

wtf, pics? Come on Mike, get on the ball! If you want, email them to me and I will host them and post them. Unless your hair looks bad, then we will pretend they dont exist.

How'd I miss this!?

Musta been a GI night.....

Congrats Dan! You are a deserving person and I am looking forward to seeing you defend your belt on the 13TH at CFFC 4!

Congratulations to Jim and Dan - both very deserving of the promotions!

If only dan and jim lived anywhere near a phone line they would be able to get on the interwebs to acknowledge their achievements and become zombies like the rest of us



Carmelo's head rivals Jamie Cruz's

I look huge in that pic.

Tjmitch, giant amongst men