Congrats Mark Bocek!

 This was Marks first training camp with us as he prepared for Alvin Robinson.

Mark showed great positional dominance throughout the bout prior to finishing with a rear naked choke at 3:16 of round three. Mark had a great training camp during his time spent with us and proved to be a great teammate too. Always looking to help out the other guys in additon to his own preparation.

We look forward to working with Mark on his next UFC bout and see him back here training with us soon!

Congrats Again Mark! Great showing!!

American Top Team

Helluva performance.

Congrats Mark.

Congratulations, Mark!


 I was impressed with his performance & so was St. Pierre.

Congrats Mark

 Mark looked like a wizard in that fight.  Congrats!

He looked great.

 bjj has evolved a shitload since royce was the man


does he have more fights with the UFC?

Jahmal -  Mark looked like a wizard in that fight.  Congrats!

A BJJ Wizard?

Over 9000 hours in MS Paint.

 Great showing by Mark. I've been saying for a few years he has the skills to impress in the UFC.

 congrats mark, that was awesome.  well done sir.

 Congratulations - I met Mark at a Grappling tournament in New York a bit back and he was a really great guy!!  He probably doesn't remember me, but I've been rooting for him ever since that time.  Good fight to watch, glad it got on the program!!!

 congratulations  mark i know you worked our ass off as you do for all your fights  and i am also glad to see you are NOW training at ATT and not Team Quest .............. IMO you had your best showing after changing traning camps   sweet :)


Amazing ground work. Congrats!

ttt congrats!!

congrats Mark!