Congrats Regina BJJ!!!

Congrats to all the guys that competed in the 2 Manitoba Open.

RBBJ took 2nd Place in Team Points!!

Matthew Johnstone Gold in the Gi.

Joey Brady Bronze in the Gi.

Matthew Johnstone Gold in the NoGI.

Brad Oxby Silver in the Gi and Bronze in NoGi.

These guys were all beginners in various weights and all have been training less then 6 months.

Janz Stein Gold in NoGi and Silver in the Gi.

Tim Bockelder Gold in the Gi.

After his first time ever competing and having to face 2 good purple belts he was awarded his Purple Belt!!! Congrats Tim!!!

John Kuba Silver in NoGi.

AJ Scales Gold in the GI, Gold in NoGi and Gold in the Absolute NoGi.

Congrats Guys!!!

Good showing.

Congrats Guys....


Ronin, Ottawa, ON.

Congrats Regina BJJ!! Wish i were there but O well.

congratulations to the RBJJ competitors in the 2nd manitoba open...another one of those "wish I was there stories"... awesome to hear you guys did so well...

dear clinch101,

TO THE VICTOR GO THE SPOILS!!! YOU NERD, get your ass back to regina so i can whoop you!!

this is my last week of classes, last final on Friday, I'll be out partying on Monday if you're interested, celebrating school being for me being in class for your practice dummy,,, we'll see...hehehe

well i look forward to seeing you at practise for once you lazy ass. im on the injury list for now so you is one lucky cat...