Congrats to Ainsley Robinson of Toronto BJJ

This past Friday at KOTC in Montreal Ainsley won his fight by 2nd round tko. This is Toronto BJJ's seventh straight victory in pro MMA. Thanks goes out to Ainsley's opponent for taking the fight.

Congrats ainsley

 Congrats Ainsley!

 the entire weekend was awesome in that i got to hit up montreal again for the first time since leave 1.5 year ago.. see a lot of friends, get some great traininig in and watch ainsley dominate his way to another win.

few pics below.. got the rest of facebook


congrats ains!!!!


the man train's hard and is only going to get better.TTT

Congrats Ainsley

Congrats Ainsley.

 Congrats to Ainsley and Toronto BJJ!


Ronin MMA