Congrats Travis Wuiff

Congrats on your win this weekend. You took the fight on how many
days notice???

TTT for MInnesota

ttt for another wiuff victory

he needs to hit the weight room ;)

I wonder how long it will take him to get back in the UFC if that is his goal?

Wuiff should be back in UFC right away-- he has the talent-- the problem is he was matched against two top level fighters in the UFC. Babalu and Matyushenko are studs.

Wuiff against Kyle,Buentello,Eilers etc.. is a lot better matchup for Travis right now.

Congrats to Travis, a true gentleman warrior. Here's hoping
he continues back on the winning path.



novakht is correct.


Thanks alot guys! I took the fight on two days notice, but I love to compete. Thanks to Miguel Iturrate, Monte Cox and SPRAWL...

I definately want back in the UFC picture, but at 205.

Thanks for the support and talk to you all soon!!

I read some people saying that he should not have got the decision at MFC. Anyone here witness the fight with their own eyes?

novakht said- "Wuiff should be back in UFC right away-- he has the talent-- the problem is he was matched against two top level fighters in the UFC. Babalu and Matyushenko are studs."

Travis has a ton of experience and is very talented. He stays super busy and I respect him for that. But the UFC can't build him up unless he can beat the top guys.

Besides Travis is fighting at 205. He went on his victory tear at the lower weight class. He would have to fight Tito, Vitor, Chuck, Randy, Babalu, etc. All are top level fighters.

Is Travis gonna stay at 205?

oh yeah and congratulations

"No disrespecet to Travis but why should he be there if he can't compete at the top level? Travis has a ton of experience and is very talented. He stays super busy and I respect him for that. But the UFC can't build him up unless he can beat the top guys. "

I can see your point--but you could say the same thing about Kyle,Eilers and amny other UFC fighters.

Here are reasons to keep him--

1.He has the look-- in shape,big,strong tough.
2. He has skills-- he can beat many current UFC fighters right now-maybe not the top dogs but many.
3. He is young and will get better.
4. He fights on short notice.

i saw the fight. travis clearly won it.

Novakht- I agree with you about Travis being tough, skilled , etc. But playing Devil's advocate who should he fight in the 205lb class?

205 is a tougher class in general then HWT in my opinion...

with that said Travis against--- Bonnar,Griffen,Vernon White,Dewwees,Marvin Eastman--

I think Travis against any of those guys would be interesting!

Travis vs Forrest or Bonnar or white would be interesting. Eastman and Dewees do not belong.

I was looking @ the 205 pounders for UFC and that division needs some fighters !

congrat's man!


Good luck at ADCC