Congratulations FAXAPRETA on NEW SCHOOL!

kimo fren, we gonna tear up aspin mountains like hot knife through butter!

congratulations on the new school!



Congrats kimo the place looks good



Is he anywhere near Steve Hordinski's place? Denver is a pretty cool place.

Congrats fren!

Holly Crap my friends it's been like forever. I finally got internet at the academy out here. :) and an Iphone4 so ill be on more often... Plus CO forum sucks

Hahah I only have 8 friends, I'm a loser... ;(

Hay Mike i'm about 40 min. away from Steve. He has a really nice place.

Thanks for posting this guy's my first student came from it. LoL... Couple days ago I was teaching my class and the three of us were all from Hawaii...

LOL 3 hg!

Congrats Kimo!

Your new Indian name is, Eight Friends.

Congrats Kimo! My friend Sai Yamagata owns the L&L restaurants in CO. If you ever wander in there, tell him howzit. My other good friend Dan Wong owns Lo Coastal Fusion in Greenwood. Check that place out too. Hopefully both of these guys won't run you out of the restaurant if you mention my name!

I think Dan changed the name of his place to RICE Bistro & Sushi. Still in Greenwood. Check it out if you can.

Ok thanks for the advice on where to eat Phone Post



I have 3 students that pay but i have a few more guys Phone Post

Faxapreta - I have 3 students that pay but i have a few more guys Phone Post

HOLY SHIT! Hope the rest at least buy you plate lunch or a hoagie at least!
