Holy shit
I thought Johnny was into like shrooms, weed, ayahuasca and all that kinda shit.
Conor better not trick him into going hard on the coke and booze.
I’ve seen it before, when those hippie shrooms kinda guys go over to the coked out boozing side its like they transition from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. Gotta be careful.
That’s no fucking joke lol
If Conor wasn’t a shit loaded celebrity, Walker would mog him badly if they hit the club in Ireland, Conor would get nothing and Walker would slay, maybe Conor might get an ugly friend if he buys her enough drinks
Are you still a Conor fan or have you given up on the lill junkie?
I laughed at that but Conrad is like 5’8 and a half. That’s not even short by uk standards.

I laughed at that but Conrad is like 5’8 and a half. That’s not even short by uk standards.
lol at believing listed heights for any celebrities and especially gassed up UFC fighters.
He could kick your ass anyway!

He could kick your ass anyway!
He’s an ex champ fighter he shouldn’t be compared to UG posters. He gets his ass kicked around the UFC, is a midget and also a junkie.
A more apt comparison would be Khabib, who still eats away at Conor to this day which is why Conor still talks about him because he has accomplished great things with his legacy and fame while Conor is running himself into the ground.
While you’re deep delving into your findings about him, he is counting his movie and alcohol sales!
Who is eaten away by whom?
He’ll be having a more difficult time counting as the psychological disorders from drug addiction take hold.
Teh double champ does what he wants!

Teh double champ does what he wants!
Krokadil baby!
Khaboob would too kick your ass!
Yeah, and he’d kick your ass and your entire extended family as well. What’s the point of this?
You dared to disagree with me over teh internets about a celebrities height!
Dude…what’s your problem?!