Conor drunk in the Bahamas watching UFC tonight

that guy gets so intense. it’s biologically improbable.

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Lol thanks man, always a few translators to help a fellow UGer out, but why beef with tyson or BJS? Does he hate gypsies or some shit?

Pretty bad I can translate patois with ease yet coked up conor is about as confusing as Chinese


lmao at connor, Tyson puts a pro Khabib post on his twitter and he has a melt down.
he said the same thing about Bisping running to america when some boguns knocked on his mum’s door.

“Oh you a big man are ya bro ahahah a real man wouldn’t sprint from his hometown after they come knocking on his mother’s door bro. Don’t forget that one big man in the U.S. Crunch time and you dipped.”


This is like a train wreck waiting to happen, where’s the popcorn.

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Khabib sucks and soccers gay, I hope Russia outlaws Islam once the Soviet Union is back together.

I’d rather live under a faux communist oligarchy than under any form of Islam.


Think it will get back together? Its possible as you have Bidens handlers in power, but this whole Ukraine fiasco is a bold move, dont really care at this point if it does start WW3 but Putin has to go. Notice he doesnt take back the muslim countries? He thinks the west is weak, with Biden it doesnt help, but hopefully he gets hit hard and fast.

Thin, soft, loose

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Looks like shit



A stoned/drunk Conor, strutting around a bar dressed like my Nan’s couch.

Just a regular day on social media then.


Do what ya like but that don’t look near fight shape.

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Sure for some hardcore stoners stay off the booze but someone who likely has an actual alcohol use disorder like Conor and half of Ireland… a little bit of weed is not gonna keep ya off the booze at all. Someone with a big appetite to go to extremes can easily find time in a week to abuse alcohol, weed, coke, bang sluts and train. A lot of people call that the weekend and they have a lot less money and temptation than Conor.

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: what I was thinking, said a sober focused Conor is back…Also Conor

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Who is he at the bar with? Is he just hanging out solo?

Once his ability to fight is over he’s going broke.

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Do you know how silly that statement is?

Do you have any idea how much Proper 12 was just sold for? What do you think his stock portfolio is looking like? His real estate holdings? Endorsement deals?

If Conor was smart enough to have a team around him to launch the brands he has launched then I’m sure he has a great financial management team in place.

He has not needed “his ability to fight” to build wealth for a long time, what a stupid statement. And I don’t even like the guy.


What are you his sister?

The guy sends money like water. He can fallback to fighting to earn 10 million a pop but once that’s done he can easily go broke. Real estate and partial ownership of a whiskey brand that’ll be dead in 10 years won’t support living like you’re a billionaire.


Yeah, no. Do you even financial plan bro? Its awesome but lets not get it twisted like going to the Bahamas is some crazy extravagant place where mere mortals are unable to go.

Also, if you had the choice of getting punched in the face for other peoples enjoyment and a few million dollars or snort a few million dollars for your own enjoyment while letting smart investments make you millions of dollards. Which one is your dumb ass going to do? Coke and hoes bitches!

Lol at Eddie the eagle repping soccer before playing touch butt with all his boyfriends in the local bath house.


Except hes got a drink in his hand and taking a drink

Chuck was cocaine fueled shadow


2 million pound watch collection, 3 million pound pub that’s losing money, 2 million yacht that he then sold for 600k, 24/7 personal security, million+ custom suit collection… List goes on.

You might think he has more than enough now, which is true, but when he can no longer bring in money like he does now (once his fighting career is over) he’ll go broke.

It’s same story with Mayweather, he’s also going broke and took fights just to pay tax bills.

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