Conor drunk in the Bahamas watching UFC tonight

lol - Fury vs Conor


Gees - that little corner of the world - West England to Ireland has produced some right characters in last few years. lol

Tyson Fury, Conor McGregor, Mike Bisping, Darren Till


My god, some of this grammar will make Worldstar people blush


This, most likely he can drink himself to death, and still would leave money for few generations


If there was ever an alcohol beverage sipping pose, that’s it. A strong one at that. Bracing yourself for the fire. That’s not a glass of water with a lemon, or a lemonade, that’s a quadruple G&T if you ask me.

Now Paddy The Baddy


So much for sobriety


Did everyone actually believe him when he made that post?

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I mean, he’s been a degenerate for years. A rich degenerate but a degenerate nonetheless


I wonder what will happen when he is done fighting. Fighting gives him balance, goal, and reason.

When fighting stops, will he keep on drinking?

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He’s a has-been. Exactly like Khabib said all those years ago “an old prostitute”. Many aging movie stars, rock stars cannot handle the dimming spot light. He has nothing else to cling onto other than MMA. Maybe only got 40% fuel left in the lime light. He’s getting closer to the “do you know who I am” stage f his fame. Next he’ll be wearing “i am conor mcgregor” t-shirts. He’s already got that shitty little pub in his squatter town in Ireland, all nice and ready for the day he’ll be behind the counter telling the younger generation …“when I was…”


His squirmish with Machine Gun Kelly was embarrassing and a PR disaster

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I don’t think even one person did in the thread about it, tbh.

That outfit is like a name tag that says “douche”


Dude looks way healthier & just better at a lower weight. I’m sure all the drugs & drink doesn’t help.

Floyd is also a serious degenerate gambler. I’ve heard of him being like tens of millions in the hole to Vegas casinos. He wins too, but that isn’t sustainable.

Yup, money can literally kill you.

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I still want to know who is he there with? Is he solo like it appears in pics? How pathetic. Or does he have his family or crew with him?

It’s a typical contrat con job. Goes with the entire family to the Bahamas, Justin Bieber just happens to be there, magically bumps into him, gets invited to Biebs private concert in LA and on and on and on.

Got his PR person to pay off someone to tell him where Bieber is and “bumps” into him. Riding the younger crowds coat tails. Old faded drama queen has been celeb Conor McGregor.

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