Conor/Dustin 3 Gameplans?

I wonder if dustins leg kicks will scare conor from trying the karate stance. He’s putting that front leg way out there for the calf kick that way

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Article was written in 2015 you dipshat.

One thing that I haven’t read and it’s not so much about strategy in the ring but what goes on before the fight.
Dustin has said many times that he is hard on training partners and they have to use bigger fighters since the guys his size can’t make a whole camp.
Compare that to Conor who is no way near as being as hungry, rides bikes and plays touch butt.
Also the fact of the mental side from the last fight, this does not bode well for Conor.

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Rousey absolutely started over training her boxing and under training her judo. The specifics of the Holm fight don’t discount her preparation.

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I believe it was Dana who said the other day he told both Holm and Rousey to make sure they get out to Australia at least 2 weeks in advance to acclimate to the time difference. He said Rousey didn’t make it out there until 3 or 4 days before the fight.

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I think Conor loses by TKO again.

The size and power difference is key at 155. Dustin cut so much (more than Conor) to get to 145 that he was prone to being hurt with strikes to his dehydrated head. It’s really insane that he was fighting at that weight.

I think Dustin at 155 can take Conor’s shots and I don’t think Conor at 155 can take Dustin’s.

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Besides this being retarded bro science on its own, what is your excuse for why Poirier was KO’d by Michael Johnson at 155?

So weird, Poirier has been knocked out twice at 2 different weight classes, but we’re going to make up a goofy excuse for why Conor was able to KO him. It’s not because the guy is a super fast and precise striker who clobbered Dustin, no no, it’s because Dustin was compromised in some pseudo scientific way.

Who hurt you?

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I think you’re underplaying the effectiveness of Dustin’s low leg kicks. Those seemed to be a big factor in Conor’s movement and led to Dustin’s ability to tee off on Conor with punches to the head. Conor was stuck using only head movement to avoid strikes which isn’t his typical method and that led to his downfall.

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My pain stems from reading your retarded posts

Dustin is less susceptible to KOs at 155. That doesn’t mean he’s impervious to them.


Then don’t. Simple.

Like your thought process.

Is he less susceptible? Based on what data? He had 11 UFC fights at 145 pounds He was knocked out one time. He’s had 14 UFC fights at 155 pounds. He was knocked out one time.

That doesn’t seem to prove anything except that Dustin Poirier was extremely hard to knock out at 145, and is extremely hard to knock out at 155. So…literally the exact opposite conclusion.

Because we saw him fight Conor twice, and get hit hard twice. He only got KOd at 145.

Beyond that, it’s the eye test.

Pacquiao fought Marquez 4 times, at 125 pounds, 130 pounds, 143 pounds, and 147 pounds.

They went to 3 decisions, and in the last bout, Marquez KO’d him. Is this proof that Pacquiao’s body more susceptible to KO’s at 147 pounds than any other weight? That might make sense…except he’s fought 18 times at welterweight or higher, and that’s the only time he’s been KO’d. And he was KO’d twice at flyweight earlier in his career.

What is the point of all this? The conclusions that are being reached are retarded. “It’s the eye test.”, what eye test? My eyes watched him get knocked out once at 145, and once at 155. What are your eyes seeing?

How would you have any idea of what he’s doing or not doing in camp :joy: gotta love the UG!

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Are you okay?

No, I’m a deeply disturbed individual