Conor/Dustin 3 Gameplans?

I think you are mistaking evidence with proof.

Results man. Conor has been living in high cotton for a few years. Poirier has been through a murderers row in that time.

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If only that Conny came bakkk

We’d be KidQuicking shhhhheittt

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Yeah- Michael Johnson KO’d he at 155.

So no dizzy Conor does

ttt for fight week.

@Wasa-B - any thoughts?

Great, great, great analysis from Dan Hardy here: Dan Hardy Breakdown Show | Dustin Poirier v Conor McGregor 3 | UFC 264 - YouTube

He fought like shit against Conor the first time. Admitted Conor’s antics got to him and was angry going into the fight and wanted to make Conor pay.

He fought like shit against Michael Johnson as well. Tried to bully him in the lead up to the fight and just assumed he was leagues better ala Luke Rockhold. Got into a firefight and paid the price.

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Thanks for the shout brah! I was looking for this thread and couldn’t find it a while back. As usu, for any major fight, I’ve watched all the breakdowns but as usu found the Weasle and Jack Slack’s the most insightful. The weasle said something to the extent that Connor has to kick and move. Also that Dustin leg kicked him in both fights with diff stances but that movement is his best defense against that. I’ve always thought Connor’s front kicks were the best weapon he doesn’t use anymore and doesn’t use as much energy and less risk than the other kicks.

I guess it still comes down to Connor needing to put Dustin away in the first 2 rounds. I think I agree that Connor has to be less boxing centric. I think Dustin has to do what he did last time which is mix it up with whatever is open and be ready for a diff Connor.

Connor had some nice shots up until early R2 but Dustin also had the takedown, extended clinch time and also right hook counters out the gate. I think the onus is on Connor to elevate his game and Dustin to just be Dustin. Not sure any particular strategies stick out…

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So what you’re saying is Dustin chopped him down and took him out, and that’s why Conor lost? Mind blown bro


I believe this.

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Boxing and MMA are different … you all know this.

It is my belief that you cannot split your training between the two and stay at the top of either.

I honestly just hope for a really good, decisive fight one way or another.


Order the fights, eat food, get drunk and do drugs with all my degenerate friends


What kind?
I’m jealous…

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You can do both…


[quote=“Don_J, post:49, topic:3676110, full:true”]

troll GIF

I rewatched the fight last night and Conor landed some good punches in both rounds. For the first 2 rounds Conor has as good of a chance as Dustin to finish the fight early. After that however I don’t believe he has the gas tank or heart to win. Let’s see if Conor comes out using his kicks like what got him to the dance. His kicks are part of what made him a good striker. Him thinking he’s a world class boxer Is one of the worst things that happened to him. He even said his last camp was 80% boxing.


I am sure he will have made adjustments to his game plan. I hope he throws some spinning shit.


> Blockquote

At any rate, Dustin took Connors best shots prior to his leg being chopped. They were still good shots but not like FW Connor. The best ones he landed vs Aldo and Alvare were also counter shots catching orthodox fighters in the pocket while being extended. I don’t think he landed one counter on Dustin last time while Dustin landed a good amount on Connor (right hook). Connor still landed some offensive left hands as well as right uppercuts.

I honestly believe Conor needs to use a stick & move game plan utilizing his full arsenal & countering when it presents itself. Just touching Dustin over & over, not looking for kill shots like he’s saying. That’s a good way to gas & get countered hard while overcommitting. This one punch power is overrated & needs to land off of a counter or when Dustin is expecting another “touch” but he’s actually sitting down on it.