Conor honored to spend Ramadan in UAE this year

You have children? I feel terribly sorry for them. I Would not be surprised to see a thread on here soon about one offing themself because their father has the spirit of a cunt. I don’t wish anyone well that spits in the millions of victims faces like you do. Fuck you, fuck your shitty little family. Go straight to hell Islamofascist sympathizer. More shithead kids coming down the line good job goof.
And thanks for proving my point I grew up around Kenyan, Lebanese, Filipino, Christians from Syria, Vietnamese etc etc everybody & I never had to defend myself against any of them. They all assimilated and appreciated their new found sanctuary. But here you are getting your ass kicked by Muslims lollll cause you are a punk proving my point they are intolerant people. "Oh we are safer than ever before. Now let’s assault this faggot now that we are in their country! "

The Lebanese and Syrians in particular. Victims of Islam, their family’s killed / homes destroyed by your Islamist cult you love but no victims ? I know incredible people that fled persecution from them. You are such an ignorant piece of shit people like need to jump off cliffs. Not procreate that is the last thing you should be doing. You shoulda been a stillborn kid lolllll at getting beat up by Muslims, everybody knows unless you are a little girl these “men” can’t put a dent in anything.

Also they already are you fucking idiot and my mind has always been against it? If I were in charge I would send them back home. It’s self racist liberal fags like you that fill your country with them not I bitch. I grew up around people that fled from them so many people have and they have been here first it’s wrong to bring what these people fled here. But we do it cause ignorant cunts like you are in charge unfortunately. You mainstream faggot leftist destroy everything under the guise of progress.

I could care less what people think of me on the forums. I do care when ignorant shitheels like you disrespect the victims of Islam. Beirut just got blown the fuck up what 6 months back? But apparently to you this stuff doesn’t happen. Those 300 Christians blown up in Colombo by 2 Muslims while celebrating Easter. Well that just didn’t happen in your mind? You are the sick of this world, the last thing we needed was for you to spawn more equally shitty kids.
Again I say fuck you and fuck your family, inconsiderate bitches like you never learn unless you are personally affected you closed minded cunt. Your chances of being effected increase every day as your country is filled with them from their trojan horse refugee crisis. I hope you do get effected by it and your kids get blasted only than will you learn the hard way you pathetic, inconsiderate sack of shit. Typical leftist it doesn’t apply to me unless it effects me fuck you.

Wow, wishing someone you don’t agree withs children’s get killed. What a vile human.

I don’t wish that kinda pain on my worst enemy. If you can’t stand behind your opinion without wishing someones kids get killed I will give your argument zero weight.

I don’t give a shit fuck him he has no argument weight he more or less scoffed and said there is no victims of Islamic terrorism he’s a sack of shit. And there for I could seriously care less. I typically don’t wish this on anyone but this guy has pissed me off with his ignorance so I’ve gone fucking wild!!
Fuck him! There’s a girl from Saudi Arabia in my city that has her own YouTube channel One Godless Women her story is insane and he’s a sack of shit to imply she’s lying and didn’t endure such torture fuck him and everyone affiliated with him straight up he is a useless piece of shit.

If I only knew it through media I would love it and be 100 percent convinced it’s a noble “religion of peace” fuck you.

I know it through Mohammad Tawhidi
Tarek Fatah
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Maajid Nawaz
Sandra Solomon
Christopher Hitchens let me guess you are only familiar with Hitchens?
You are a mutt. I’m not getting any Islam I am a proud infidel until the day I die and it won’t be by their hands. That’s cunts like you that grow up getting your ass kicked by them and supporting them invading your country. You do so much work for them and you are the first to go once they turn around as a majority. There is 1400 years of history that shows this but you are their pawn bitch.

“strongly displaying an approved (virtual)persona” not me I am shooting Islam to shit that’s against the mainstream narrative I would be cancelled every which way. “strongly displaying an approved (virtual)persona” would be exactly what you are doing. Denying there is problems with the religion and shitting on people like myself that don’t drink the kool-aid.

You are the biggest fucking retard on this forum Touch- all you do is stir anti islam shit, and shit against all your former soviet socialist republics you pathetic cunt

Can the guy posting the some of the nastiest shit I’ve seen in any forum get some therapy or speak to someone.
Whoever you follow on social media or however you lead your life to make you post the things you do are serious red flags for mental illness or potential criminality.

Lol give me more of a diagnosis doc? I have personality disorder cause I have a seething hatred of Islam?

Oh I am vile I make Andrew Dice Clay look soft. But as I said earlier I have family in law enforcement, my older brother. I respect the rule of law I just have no filter.