Conor McGregors Pub Is Petrol Bombed

you just know he’s got wank videos on that phone.

Conor seems extremely worried

It sounds more like that Conor listens to the NAS.

I think Conor is going to have a dramatic fall when his fighting career is over. Just seems like something bad waiting to happen with him. Either by his own doing or someone else’s. Hopefully not.


Any pics of the damage? Wondering if there’s a little burn mark on the sidewalk or they actually set the place ablaze

I don’t think having to get your people to file an insurance claim is quite enough retribution for that one.

Surely more is on the way on the karma train.

You got sat down, kid. You’re just making yourself look worse.


In my throne of Swag and Victory.

Kneel before me peasant.

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With all due respect Mr. Mountain Dew, Job has been against Conor plenty on this forum for years. You’re wrong and you are reaching. No one is impressed by you calling people dicksuckers or whatever so just talk like you would in real life. If this is what you’re like in real life, grow up.


sniffing lady gaga GIF

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south park kenny GIF

Nobody is trying to impress you or your karate forum member social network, dicksucker.

They give those to their friends in Ireland according to UG’s Irish contingent. :sweat_smile:

“…I do want him to go down in the fourth. And I do mean it, this time.”

I was really hoping he would take time after his leg, sober up, stay out of the public eye, and come back refocused and humble. The only images I’ve seen of him he just looks like all beefed up, spazzy and posing. It’s a shame.

Who knows if he’s actually involved with this- I’m sure we will find out at some point. But trouble seems to follow that rich young cunt.

Michael Nunn 2.0

The westies are after him for not paying the street tax for having a business on their turf

Conor has the last laugh. Wasnt this place bleeding money?