Conor McGregory sucks lowlights compliation

Tupac never had to rape chicks though.

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That’s because he only had sex with men. It’s universally known and agreed upon. Did you watch the interview?

I don’t understand your resistance to the Conor/Tupac comparisons. I think you actually love Conor and you’re just putting on a show.



Jackie Merrydudes is a homosex

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Looks like my groupies are right on schedule

pebbles in the road

like clockwork

Enough about Tupac’s homosexuality.

I think JackMerridew is right. Conor was actually pretty good. Forbes richest athlete, business owner, two division champion, and wins over prime Aldo, Holloway, Poirier, Mendes, Alvarez.

Good point, Jack.

Conor fans are getting pissed up in here

You can sense the tension

Only when he fought against midget FW’s with extreme weight cutting measures like banned iv’s.

Conor is 1-3 in the UFC at LW.

Tomato can.


I’m confused. I thought we agreed that Conor sucks and Tupac was a homosexual. Now you’re saying he’s a tomato can and Tupac is dead and gay?

I’m more confused than Tupac was about his sexuality.

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You sound upset.

Take your gay Tupac talk to another thread though, faggot.

Did you at least watch the video?

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lol your ‘groupies’ think you’re a faggot who likes dead gay rappers

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Oh God groupie is typing up a one liner.

Spew it out already, faggot.

conor is gayer than Jackies asshole

i did stupid…before you replied

Good one, faggot.

Glad you keep creeping in my threads as well creepy motherfucker.

Thanks for the bumps.

dead gay rapper lover posts are hilarious


when you sign your posts your supposed put it at the bottom

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Double post meltdown

lol @ how much of a bitch you are Jackie