Conor vs Wonderboy

Would likely never happen, all the talk and hype is around Jorge, Nate or Chandler but what do you all think UG about a Conor vs Wonderboy match up, I think it would be really entertaining. Giving both guys stand up styles.

Conor isn’t fighting anyone for another 9 months or so. Wonderboy will be Wondergrandpa by then.


Hypothetically though how you think it would go down. Like I said it will never happen but still.

Prime Wonderboy for sure. Remember Conor became THE Conor pretty much all at 145. The fight might be closer now though, but I think I’d still lean towards Wonderboy.

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Wonderboy would be too big, too long, too elusive

The only way conor wins again is if its a fixed fight


WB. By some crazy kick