Cool feature vid of my nephew w/ Joe Riggs

This was about a year ago... Bluey please?

For AK

Thanks TKDH!

That's awesome!

mmavixen - 

That's awesome!

Thank you!! I'm so proud of him

Cool vid! Phone Post

Very cool Phone Post

It is a very cool vid btw AK

When's Gabes fight going up Chris?! Phone Post

Thanks everybody! Scary thing is he's even better today... Just won in Palm Springs last weekend against a pro who was fighting ammy (wtf?) in 31 seconds... The guy probably didn't think he'd run into a little tornado lol

@Ray - What's up man! I was there live but haven't seen a vid yet... I'll let you know when a good one is up. My brother sent me a phone video but you really can't see crap on it on the phone it's sent to for some reason.