Cool MMA video (vid)

Pardon my tardness, but when I play it in WMP, it does not give me the option to save playlist.


how do i save this video?

hey cool video


Man, need a download link, that's sick!

sweet vid

right click the video

hit properties

copy the link into windows media player (open url)

save media as

there you go



it still doesnt let me save it.

also what is the name of the name of the song

hey man, didn't know i was getting credited with this lol!

I'm James! Opens in new window so click it!

I didnt make the video though, found it somewhere else and thought it was friggen sweet....

and WTF DJStudd, why dont you like me? lol

That was great! Thanks,that would be a great series of clips to use to introduce someone to the sport.

Save media as is not an option. It is grayed out.

TTT for a DL link, PLEASE!

i have the same problem as numerouno.

ttt for away to DL and the name of the song



ttt for the name of the opening song

that should work.


great vid thanks