Cool MMA video (vid)

I stole this off my friend James' myspace page.

Fucking awesome vid bro.

That gave me chills. I feel privilaged to be part of the 1% that dedicate themselves 100% to the sport!

Link please!


i can't view it properly.

all you have to do is right clik and look at properties and it will always show you the link

That might have been one of the best videos I have ever seen.

Good job.


cool vid


Siiiiiiiiiick!!!!! Great music too.


BTW - My coach (Rodrigo Medeiros) was in the video training with Vitor the whole time. He'll be stoked to see that. Thanks for the vid!

good stuff, thanks for posting it



Damn! Very professional, touching and exciting at the same time. They could run this as such almost anywhere. Thanks for this.

Is that by the same chap who did the Never Say Die vid? Good stuff, I enjoyed them both.

nice vid.

Good stuff.

Awesome video.