Cop easily handles drunk bros at beach

Good thing those two guys weren't black or latino.  Cop would have come in with guns blazing saying he feared for his life with the histeria of such a large crowd.

Rubber Bando - 
boomer135 -

Good thing those two guys weren't black or latino.  Cop would have come in with guns blazing saying he feared for his life with the histeria of such a large crowd.

Lol I bet you're black

Yep…and he, his buddies, and Al Sharpton would be all over media and social media crying about excessive force used and how this officer needs to be fired immediately. Then they’d go burn down their neighborhood and go “shopping” in the vandalized stores.


I wonder about the legalities/protocol of choking the 2nd due till he’s out.

But from how the crowd is CLEARLY cheering big time for the cops, these two must have been major asshole troublemakers.


the second guy was trying to fight the bros who were pulling him away from the cop  (to keep him from gettin arrested too)

lol!!! ah jesus

Bros got what they deserved. Well done!

ix3623 -
AnotherDecision -
ix3623 -
FETT_Lay'n'PrayNINJA -
ix3623 -

Loved seeing that happen to the 2 douchebags but no way did that cop follow proper procedure. He'll probably get in trouble 

What part of procedure do you think he broke?

Like I said, I was happy he did it but you can't choke and grab people by the neck and toss them unless they put their hands on you in a violent way. They just talked shit to the cop which doesn' t allow the force he used. 2nd douche only resisted after getting choked for talking shit to the cop. Cop is lucky he didnt do that 2 2 bigger guys. Doubt he' d escalate a situation with force in that situation. Found it funny seeing cop touch the kids ass repeatedly multiple times. Those 2 bros deserved a reality check. 

pretty sure you can toss someone to the ground by their neck if they wont give you there hands and are obstructing your duties as a police officer. not all situations call for it, but i think in this one it not only is completely justified to law enforcement but to the public as a whole, given those who actually were there kicked sand at the perps and even attempted wrestling one to the ground.

so yeah, no, cop is fine, your just super chaffed at seeing a white person hog fucked by a cop.

Did you read my posts. I was happy to see those douches manhandled but he used excessive force. Truth is if he didnt, those douches would of barked louder and thought that they were bad asses for doing so…like I said, I am glad they got that reality check. Wish all douches got that treatment

Didn’t look like excessive force to me at all

I’m not for cops abusing people but this was done correctly.  That huge cop could’ve punched those boys like some do and that would have been lights fucking out for the skinny bitches.   This cop was ok 

I don't think as a youth I ever had that kind of disrespect for the Police.

Ttt for more footage!