Just launched new website for the tournament please visit it and let me know what you think.
I really want to help promote BJJ and submission grappling sports and make the tournament scene huge.
If there is anything you guys can think of or want to see please let me know.
Ross Kellin
I'll check it out.
You put on some good tournaments, Ross.
Ross,, great tourny,, good refs, and we as a team and the spectators we brought LOVED the idea of only one coach. That was a great idea (needs to be a little more inforced) but great idea.
Thanks for running an excellent event.
Fierce Fight Team.
Thanks guys,
Mario Rinaldi won by one advantage against Wagner Rocha from Pablo Popovitch's school.
marcwolverine, thanks I liked the one coach concept as well and you are right we will enforce it better next event. I will have more on the website later this week.
Thanks again,
Crap, I missed it. Ross, you have to remind me of these things. I'm early stage altheimers. Sorry, bro.