Cormier referencing gif?

Anybody notice during the Paul Craig/Nzechukwu fight, Cormier repeatedly reffered to himself as an African fighter jokingly. He had to be reffering to the gif right? It seemed to be irritating Dom that he kept bringing this up.

Gonna post gif or let as all hanging wondering wtf you’re talking about? 

He's African? I thought he was a black yank  

If Asian Americans can refer to themselves as Asian, which many of them do, why can’t African Americans refer to themselves as African?

Ministry of Truth - If Asian Americans can refer to themselves as Asian, which many of them do, why can't African Americans refer to themselves as African?

Asian priveledge 

Euro American in for so called gif

Dom seems awful moody and sensitive at times. Has he just hit puberty?

lol, dam I can't find it now... I just assumed it was pretty popular back in the day and everybody saw it. I'll keep looking. Somebody post if know what it is please?

Found it

My God that gif is great

Cormier triggered Cruz when he referred to Craig's style as 'herky jerky'.

Kostakio -

Cormier triggered Cruz when he referred to Craig's style as 'herky jerky'.

I noticed that to. He was getting butt hurt by everything that night.

Kimbos Lice -

Fuck that's funny. 

I swear, you put DC's laugh gif on anything and it's gold. 

I thought he was just joking around. 

Newsflash: Cruz is an insufferable douchebag