Could Matt Hughes beat Rickson on the ground?

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(Kidding of course, utmost respect for Shen)

Several guys have done MMA rounds with Rickson and given the same reports.

MMA “changes everything” for certain styles. Rickson isn’t a gi heavy guard sub sniper, he’s an overhook → sweep → pass → gift wrap → RNC player. All of that works better with strikes, not worse.

Rickson isn’t a 2023 blue belt who’s never been hit. His made up record is bullshit but that guy is not unfamiliar with getting hit.

Getting Matt down is the hard part for Rickson.

Do you think Matt Hughes passes and pins Rickson?


Rickson struggled with Zulu Sr, who wouldn’t even make a Kimbo backyard fight undercard


Hughes would beat him up.

Both Royce and Renzo were more accomplished in MMA than Rickson.

I’m a fan of Rickson, and appreciate him as kind of a throwback to a different time.

You don’t have to necessarily “prove yourself” in MMA to be a well respected grappling master and eldar statesman.
Look at Ricardo Liborio.

But they myth that Rickson would just magically submit anyone the minute it goes to the ground, is unfounded.
Rickson spent almost 15 minutes in the ring with Takada, and came away with 2 submissions.
Matt Hughes is better at everything than Takada.
And even though he fought at 170, Hughes would also be stronger than Rickson.

Rickson was great, in his element.
But his hands down - chin up approach would have gotten him hurt as MMA evolved.

I’m not saying he wouldn’t catch some guys.
He would.

But there just isn’t enough there to pick him over Hughes.


Lol at larping as a karate guy

If Hughes is on bottom he gets wrecked. I don’t think Hughes ground and pounds Rickson out, and there is no way Hughes submits Rickson either. I just think Rickson is a superior ground fighter.


Rickson gets beaten into a living death. It’s like the legend Of the local guy with this car that’s so fast, and you find out it’s just a bullshit 350 sbc with stock heads from the 70’s and a .480 lift no duration tappet cam that couldn’t outrun a new Hyundai.

Neither Royce nor Renzo could do shit to Rickson on the ground. He destroyed them both consistently.

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To be fair, this isn’t my assertion.

I think it would take some time to cook Matt. Rickson isn’t a sub sniper, he’s a positional control leading to submission guy

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Matt had farmer strength (met him many times) - if he loses, Mark (his twin would win) imo…

Why would he have to try? That’s BJJ strategy.

Did Charles Jourdain try to pass & pin Kron? Of course not.


Yeah but we aren’t debating the same thing

Thread is about who beats who on the ground, not “can Rickson take down Matt Hughes”

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Also I’d call pass and pin an MMA strategy. It was the one Matt used most commonly.

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It’s a BJJ strategy that got adopted by MMA. Early NHB / MMA people ASSUMED they needed the same positional hierarchy as taught in BJJ, but learned it wasn’t always necessary and other approaches worked too.

BTW, I just watched the first 30 UFCs the last three weeks, so this stuff is fresh in my mind.

Westlers, back then, would sometimes settle in the half-guard and pound or --most commonly, by far-- stay in the full guard, post up and pound from inside the guard.


I wrestled and then did bjj for a long time before I went to mma. I learned real quick that by posturing up and ground and pounding that I could finish most people. I always joked that I spent that much time to learn that the most effective way to open the guard was an elbow to the lowest rib.


I don’t know, the positional hierarchy of BJJ is based upon striking effectiveness. I think it’s a chicken and egg thing.

Half guard top is very underrated if you have hip to hip connection and the hips pinned flat. I think it’s far superior to side control.

It’s interesting though that half guard bottom offense wasn’t really a thing until the 90s, and people didn’t realize you need a frame like a half butterfly or knee shield to keep from getting pinned until later


The positional hierarchy that evolved in Brazil evolved in a WEAK wrestling environment. They were often fighting all sorts of stand up arts.

They just didn’t have strong wrestling in Brazil. It was more Judo and arts derived from Judo (BJJ) and arts that mixed Judo & wrestling (Luta Livre). Just not the same as the American wrestling tradition.

If they had more and better wrestlers in Brazil, I think the positional hierarchy of BJJ would have, necessarily, evolved better.


Doesn’t matter.
They grew up getting big brothered by 'the family champion".
He knew all their tricks, weaknesses, and how to exploit them.

They might have never been able to beat Rickson on the mat.

But they were more proven fighters, period.


Will it evolve here then? We have good wrestling obviously and a lot of wrestlers going to bjj. So do you think it’ll evolve here?


My .02, yes.

Side control is losing favor no gi. Craig Jones and a lot of grapplers are saying to avoid it.

A lot of people, myself included, are on the Roger train of valuing mount over the back.

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Renzo was better all around than Rickson except on the ground, and I don’t think the difference was much when it came to MMA.

Renzo had better strikes and set up takedowns better. He didn’t stand with his chin up and hand down like an 1800s boxer. Rickson was bigger and stronger so he could drag guys down a little better