Could you imagine if Jon Jones...........

ausgepicht - 
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
ausgepicht - 
Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Landed? It missed you buffoon.

Member Since: 9/24/12

An appeal to consequences, eh? He wanted to land the punch, that's all that matters. I personally don't think there was anything wrong with what Shogun did, but your argument is childish and your constant mentioning of other people's post count is indescribably dorky. Seriously, you're a fag

Member Since: 3/5/13

dude stfu  Your still a mud and its not like you can't pay to have your start day reset.


Get your facts straight first OP. Phone Post 3.0

ausgepicht - 
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
ausgepicht - 
Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Landed? It missed you buffoon.

Member Since: 9/24/12

An appeal to consequences, eh? He wanted to land the punch, that's all that matters. I personally don't think there was anything wrong with what Shogun did, but your argument is childish and your constant mentioning of other people's post count is indescribably dorky. Seriously, you're a fag

Member Since: 3/5/13

You forgot his post count though.

Almost 5000 in 9 months. This man makes 18 posts per day. Homeboy needs another hobby.

ShoeMoney -
ausgepicht - 
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
ausgepicht - 
Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Landed? It missed you buffoon.

Member Since: 9/24/12

An appeal to consequences, eh? He wanted to land the punch, that's all that matters. I personally don't think there was anything wrong with what Shogun did, but your argument is childish and your constant mentioning of other people's post count is indescribably dorky. Seriously, you're a fag

Member Since: 3/5/13

dude stfu  Your still a mud and its not like you can't pay to have your start day reset.


We need more responses like this when some one says stupid shit about join dates. But hey he is getting what he wants. Attention in his short uninteresting life. Phone Post 3.0

Rambo John J -
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
shaqitup - He d have to knock somebody out first Phone Post 3.0


shogun has KOed 18 guys in prizefights.

His finishes are violent and brutal.

JJ usually needs judges to tell him he has won.

Oh snap. Phone Post

Kazp306 - Jon Jones hit a deaf guy. Phone Post 3.0
And lost to him. Phone Post 3.0

The Brotorious B.I.G -
Rambo John J -
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
shaqitup - He d have to knock somebody out first Phone Post 3.0


shogun has KOed 18 guys in prizefights.

His finishes are violent and brutal.

JJ usually needs judges to tell him he has won.

Oh snap. Phone Post
Lol @ this.

What are you "oh snap"ing about? Jones has had 4 decisions in 20 fights and only 2 dec. in 7 title fights. Phone Post 3.0

Rambo John J -
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
shaqitup - He d have to knock somebody out first Phone Post 3.0


shogun has KOed 18 guys in prizefights.

His finishes are violent and brutal.

JJ usually needs judges to tell him he has won.

Are you freaking kidding me... Phone Post 3.0

OnlyTheStrongSurvive -
Rambo John J -
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
shaqitup - He d have to knock somebody out first Phone Post 3.0


shogun has KOed 18 guys in prizefights.

His finishes are violent and brutal.

JJ usually needs judges to tell him he has won.

Are you freaking kidding me... Phone Post 3.0
Ignore him he dosen't watch mma. He was thinking Phone Post 3.0

Adulterous_Zucchini -
ausgepicht - 
Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Landed? It missed you buffoon.

Member Since: 9/24/12

An appeal to consequences, eh? He wanted to land the punch, that's all that matters. I personally don't think there was anything wrong with what Shogun did, but your argument is childish and your constant mentioning of other people's post count is indescribably dorky. Seriously, you're a fag
Shogun most definitely redirected that punch. Easy to see on replay. Phone Post 3.0

Rambo John J - 
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
shaqitup - He d have to knock somebody out first Phone Post 3.0


shogun has KOed 18 guys in prizefights.

His finishes are violent and brutal.

JJ usually needs judges to tell him he has won.

This is amazing to me. Do people just create delusional stories to fit their hate?

STFU OP U FAGGOT Phone Post 3.0

ShoeMoney -
ausgepicht - 
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
ausgepicht - 
Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Landed? It missed you buffoon.

Member Since: 9/24/12

An appeal to consequences, eh? He wanted to land the punch, that's all that matters. I personally don't think there was anything wrong with what Shogun did, but your argument is childish and your constant mentioning of other people's post count is indescribably dorky. Seriously, you're a fag

Member Since: 3/5/13

dude stfu  Your still a mud and its not like you can't pay to have your start day reset.


He's not a mud, I've seen him post pictures and gifs before. He hides his color name. Someone told me he was actually a red. Anyway, he might be a jerk but he's usually right. Either way he's obviously not going anywhere. Learn to appreciate him for what he is, or ignore him. Phone Post 3.0

Adulterous_Zucchini - 
UGCTT_EnderTL - 
Adulterous_Zucchini -
ausgepicht - 
Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Landed? It missed you buffoon.

Member Since: 9/24/12

An appeal to consequences, eh? He wanted to land the punch, that's all that matters. I personally don't think there was anything wrong with what Shogun did, but your argument is childish and your constant mentioning of other people's post count is indescribably dorky. Seriously, you're a fag
Shogun most definitely redirected that punch. Easy to see on replay. Phone Post 3.0

Not to me:

So you think he stopped rotating through the punch in order to land outside of the original designated impact zone by accident. That's fair, but I think it was a last moment hesitation.

Thanks for posting the gif.


The Brotorious B.I.G - 
Rambo John J -
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
shaqitup - He d have to knock somebody out first Phone Post 3.0


shogun has KOed 18 guys in prizefights.

His finishes are violent and brutal.

JJ usually needs judges to tell him he has won.

Oh snap. Phone Post

I didn't know Lloyd and Harry posted on the UG. Derpity derp derp guys.

pidgey -
Kazp306 - Jon Jones hit a deaf guy. Phone Post 3.0
With illegal shots to the eyes, trying to blind a deaf man. Phone Post 3.0
lol Phone Post

Props to shogun for pulling back.
Shows how much he cares for his opponents safety.

Now if stomps were legal, he woulda kept going knowing that those shots are much safer. Phone Post 3.0

Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Yeah, Jones is still getting shit for letting go of Machida when McCarthy yelled at him to "break" and lunged between them. If he even looked at an unconscious opponent, he would be crucified.

MMA fans' sense of moral outrage is totally colored by whether or not they like the fighters involved in any particular incident. A perfect example is Hendo/Bisping. Henderson deliberately landed a divebomb to Bisping's head when he knew that Bisping was unconscious, then he got on the mic and bragged about it during the post-fight interview. If an unpopular fighter had done that to a fan favorite, there would literally have been death threats instead of cheers.

Remember how pissed people got when Rashad did the Fred Sanford in the cage after the fight because he was shocked that he almost killed Chuck. Imagine what would have if Herb Dean hadn't been on the ball and Rashad had hit Chuck when he sprawled out on the mat.

To be clear, I'm not attacking Shogun. I don't have any problem with what he did last night. My issue is with the double standards and faux outrage on the UG, other MMA boards, Twitter and everywhere else that MMA fans congregate.

Rambo John J - 
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
shaqitup - He d have to knock somebody out first Phone Post 3.0


shogun has KOed 18 guys in prizefights.

His finishes are violent and brutal.

JJ usually needs judges to tell him he has won.

By usually you mean four times in 19 wins. Jones just went life and death with a dude who has a cinder block for a head. When was the last time Shogun stopped a legit top ten opponent?

ShoeMoney - 
ausgepicht - 
Adulterous_Zucchini - 
ausgepicht - 
Johnzandt - ....landed a shot after a fighter was CLEARLY unconscious as Te Huna was. This place would have exploded with hate.

Landed? It missed you buffoon.

Member Since: 9/24/12

An appeal to consequences, eh? He wanted to land the punch, that's all that matters. I personally don't think there was anything wrong with what Shogun did, but your argument is childish and your constant mentioning of other people's post count is indescribably dorky. Seriously, you're a fag

Member Since: 3/5/13

dude stfu  Your still a mud and its not like you can't pay to have your start day reset.


I'm not a mudnamer, Nancy. Also, the only problem with your little theory is that you can search and see my posts since before my sign up date. Durr.

Have a nice night, cupcake!