Countdown to UFC 148: Silva v Sonnen Video

This one is good! Don't miss it!

Sub Phone Post


Saw this on tv last week, what took them so long getting it online? This was way better than the primetime show - Look the arm, you see? Stupid donkey, come on man.

Arecsa - Saw this on tv last week, what took them so long getting it online? This was way better than the primetime show - Look the arm, you see? Stupid donkey, come on man.

Gotta give Silva credit for using his English in this one. That was a pretty funny line. Phone Post

Not worth watching if you've seen the primetime, it uses a lot of the same footage. If you haven't seen the primetime you should just watch that instead.

Arecsa - Saw this on tv last week, what took them so long getting it online? This was way better than the primetime show - Look the arm, you see? Stupid donkey, come on man.

Agreed. It was much better than the Primetime. That's the first, and probably last, time that will ever happen. Phone Post

that last bit from Silva was scary... I WILL BREAK YOU FACE.. 

Sonnen, you face broke homie.

Just because of Ed Soares, I hope Sonnen utterly destroys Silva.

 Haha, Anderson was playing PS3 during the interview...hilarious.

anpack20 -  Haha, Anderson was playing PS3 during the interview...hilarious.

 Nevermind, he's watching a replay of the last fight superimposed on his TV, haha.

Some things in life you look forward to happening so much you just think something will happen to screw it up. I am so thankful to the UFC for making this rematch happen. I have a weird feeling it ends early in the 1st with a brutal KO, but I'm hopin' we get to see a war. (probably asking for a bit much). The problem I see with Chael in this matchup is this - In my mind he's one of the worst top level finishers in middleweight history. So for him to win a title fight, he has to go 25 minutes. The problem with that is, he's up against one of the greatest finishers of all time (especially that of a non-heavywt). So Chael almost has to win all of the 25 min to win this fight, whereas Spider needs about 5 secs at any point in those 25 minutes.

Masakatsu Funaki - 
Arecsa - Saw this on tv last week, what took them so long getting it online? This was way better than the primetime show - Look the arm, you see? Stupid donkey, come on man.
Gotta give Silva credit for using his English in this one. That was a pretty funny line. Phone Post

 I'm thinking the real quote was "Jackass".

and Chael was in fine form throughout the show, best talker in combat sports hisory.