NotImpressedByYourScreenName -GriffinQ -NotImpressedByYourScreenName -GriffinQ -NotImpressedByYourScreenName -GriffinQ -NotImpressedByYourScreenName -dannyapodaca - Its his decision and I understand him wanting to fight in the ufc. But as a father I would hope my son would have told Dana to go fuck himself.This exactly.
Plus Dana really shows himself to be a characterless, classless piece of shit at times like this. Who rings a kid and gets him to choose between his career and his father.
The saddest thing of all for Dana is that so many people are loyal to him but it's ALL conditional on ONE thing. If Dana White was suddenly broke tomorrow he wouldn't have any "fans". Guy uses money, tickets etc as currency to buy friends.Please tell me you're joking? How is he making him choose between his career and his father? He offered to release him to pursue his career with his father, or to pursue it in the UFC knowing that his father only wouldn't be able to attend his fights. Either way, Ryan has a career somewhere. Maybe Randy should have considered his sons career before he signed up to work for a competing company...?
You just don't get it...
How is Randy working for Bellator this criminal conspiracy?? He has every right to work wherever the fuck he wants! Bellator and SF fighters have cornered UFC fighters without issue forever. Now Randy, Ryan's FATHER can't corner him because he took a job with Bellator?? You think that's right??
This is the same Dana who says Bellator are acting like scumbags for daring to try and match Alvarez UFC offer. He got the option to march Randy's offer, didn't, now throws a hissy fit and bans him from UFC events?! Hypocrite much??
But the worst part about this is Dana woulda got word that he can't ban Randy from cornering his son so he puts Ryan over a barrel and says "you can fight here but only if your dad doesn't corner you" thereby forcing Ryan's to choose.
Where I come from that's a cunt act. You don't mess with a mans ability to make a living and you don't mess with a mans family.
Thing is I think Ryan got beat by Noonz in his last fight so im no fan of his but what's right is right.Randy was already under contract with Fox and the UFC actually... And lying to your current employer and screening their calls is considered a cunt move as well.
He had a 30 day notice period which he used, same as the UFC / Fox woulda done. Not to mention he gave Zuffa the option to match his Bellator offer and they told him to whistle.
So imagine a prospective employer offered you a much better job with higher pay. You tell your current employer and give them the option to match but they decline. Does that then make you a cunt for resigning and taking the offer?? Really??
Wake up and stop buying into Dana's temper tantrumsI wouldn't bail on prior commitments with a job while entertaining other offers. I would still uphold my contract and THEN enter into the negotiating period. Why sign a contract if you have no intention of seeing it through every time a better offer comes around?
Maybe we differ on that account. I believe in loyalty to the people who got me where I am in life. Randy's personal and professional life indicates that he does not believe in that. I'm not the only one saying it, and it has nothing to do with Dana's statements about him.Couture missed one fox show so stop trying to make out he left them in the lurch. And yea, the UFC made Randy....the UFC that was getting a few hundred in the crowd and couldn't get on tv when Randy stuck with them. The UFC didn't do randy any favors - they made a tonne of money off him so he doesn't owe them shit.
And yea, I'm sure you've never entertained other job offers while still employed. Cos everyone always quits their job FIRST and only then do they even contemplate looking at other offers.
You still havent addressed why the UFC didn't even try to match Randy's offer or that Dana is a POS for telling Ryan he'd get cut if he didn't agree to not have his father corner him
When did he say he would get cut if he didnt agree? He said if Ryan wanted to, they'd release him from his contract to go be in Bellator with his father. According to Ryan, he didnt even try and argue it so no one has any idea whether he would have been released if he had asked DFW if his father could corner him.
And they can't match an offer if Randy doesn't make them aware of the terms of an offer, which both sides said he didn't do.
Anddddd looking for a new job while still employed somewhere else is not the argument, dumbass. It's not showing up for work while you still work somewhere , and taking another job at the same time. I would not start working somewhere else until I finished my prior commitment, because that's fucking retarded. He had ONE more Fox show to show up for, a gig that he REQUESTED, and he didnt show up without even informing his employers that he wouldn't be working for them anymore. Last I checked, that's not how most people go about maintaining their reputation in the business world