Couture/Lindland Seminar Update 4

For anyone wanting to crash at Hulk's place his address is:

624 York St
London, Ontario, Canada

Make sure you tell them at the door that Hulk said you could stay there.



It looks like the e-mail was not received by my account so I am gonna post this here. I had some schedule changes that are going to allow me to make the seminar and Iwas wondering if there are still spots available. If there are could you please let me know the best way to secure one for myself.



Yes I still have spots available. The best way to secure a spot is to send payment to the address listed below. Give me a call if you haave any concerns.


Shawn Geris

The Randy Couture/Matt Lindland/Dan Henderson Seminar will be earlier than anticipated. Due to a scheduling conflict, Randy has reqested to move the date of the seminar to May 8, 9, 2004. I spoke with Randy at length regarding this matter, he thought that moving the dates up one week would be the best answer otherwise he would have to make the trip in late June. Randy is extremely disappointed with this matter, and hopes that this will not inconveneice anyone who is planning on attending. In order to accomodate Randy I have changed the official date of the seminar to MAY 8TH AND 9TH 2004. If you have any concerns please contact me at 647.226.2998 or via e-mail at For anyone that has already paid and will not be able to attend I will issue you a full refund. Sorry for any in conveneice this may have caused. If have paid and are okay with the new dates please drop me an e-mail and let me know you will be still able to attend.

The Randy Couture/Matt Lindland/Dan Henderson Seminar will be held at CARLING HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTRE (650 Elizabeth Street **the same facilities that the Frank Shamrock Seminar was held**) in London, Ontario on May 8th and 9th, 2004. The cost for the event is $110.00 Canadian, the fee includes both days of instruction. Sign in is at 10 am Saturday with instruction starting at 11 am until 4 pm. Due to the popularity of this event I can only secure spots for participants that have paid in full. I have limited mat space, so the seminar spots will only be reserved after payment has been received. Please make cheque/money orders payable to (AWOL) Amateur Wrestlers Of London and send it to ATT: Shawn Geris, 18 Acton Crescent, London, Ontario, N6E 1W5.

Thanks for your interest, hope to see you at the seminar!

Shawn Geris or 647.226.2998

Thank you very much for the info! I will be sending payment ASAP! This seminar is gonna kick major ass!


Shawn, How come I can't find 650 Elizabeth St on Mapquest?



Directions From HWY 401:

HWY 401 to Highbury Avenue - North on Highbury Avenue until you reach Oxford Street. West on Oxford Street until you reach Elizabeth Street - South on Elizabeth Street. Elizabeth Street is a deadend street. The driveway for CARLING HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTRE is located just before the deadend on your left handside.

If you search the intersection of OXFORD STREET & ADELAIDE STREET, you might be able to get a better idea of the Location.

There is a big Yellow Sigh with Seminar Info located on ADELAIDE STREET just south of OXFORD STREET.

Hope that helps!


It's a little hard to find until you realize where you are, then it's way easy. It's over by "Pete's Sports."

Thanks Hulk


What is appropriate attire?

4 days!

3 days Dougie!

Bring shorts, t-shirt and wrestling, if you have em!

Just wondering, will there be allowed camers, autographs, etc...


Sorry, that's supposed to say cameras, not camers.


Yes, Dougie. PLEASE wear pants this time. We don't want a repeat of the last time.

Look, Fateh said that weekends were optional on what you want to wear. If he wanted people to wear clothes at all he should have been more specific.

Shorts, t-shirt, & wrestling shoes it is!

As far as I know on the original poster/flyer they said no video cameras or cameras DURING the seminar. There is an autograph and camera session on Sunday at another location though. I am not sure about after the seminars.

Please no video cameras or cell phones at the seminar.

There will be time before and after the seminar for autographs and photos.

See ya soon!


Dougie, clothes stay on or no cheerleaders!

