Couture/Lindland Seminar Update 4

I thought I would let you folks know that because of the scheduling conflict, Randy and Matt have decided to have Dan Henderson attend the same weekend they're coming to London, Ontario for the seminar. That's three Team Quest instructors for only $110 Canadian.

I still have spots available, so if you are still interested contact me as soon as possible.


Shawn Geris or 647.226.2998

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

Any word on autographs and merchandise Shawn?

Great googily moogily !!


Wow....what a deal! Damn!

Is that you beast?

This is gonna be the most badass seminar ever!!

I cant wait to see everyone from the forum there.

Portugese2002 you ahve got to get healed enough to train man!! think positive and that ACL will heal

ttyl, Greg Compton

This isn't due to my suggestion when I asked about Lindland's attendance, is it??? Please say it is, because I need a reason for people to like me. This will be the greatest weekend in the history of my life. TTT for Hendo.

This is too good to be true! I wish I was in town that day.


I'll try my best!

TEX 16 could you forward me all the info for the seminar to put up on my news section for my website to help promote for you!


Andy, remember what Esfiha told you. When you meet people, say you know him. That way people will like you.

The greatest weekend of your life? What about that time you got dunk and slept with that epileptic cheerleader? You said that house party was the greatest weekend of your life.

Ah yes, the cheerleader. I take back my previous statements. Is there any way the epileptic cheereader could be added to the seminar??? You should see this thing she does with her leg.

Maybe "Hulk" Geris can talk to Wes Simms and get him to dress up and wave some pom poms for you in his next UFC showing.



A little more than 10 days left until the seminar, and I still have spots available. Make sure you tell your friends about the Randy Couture/Matt Lindland/Dan Henderson seminar on May 8th and 9th 2004 at CARLING HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTRE.

There will be Team Quest and merchandise on sale at the seminar site (t-shirts, sweaters, hats, instructional DVDs, etc.) Randy, Matt, and Dan will all be available for pictures and autographs.

Still working on the cheerleaders.

If you are still looking for a spot contact me asap.

Thanks for your interest!

Shawn "Hulk" Geris or 647.226.2998

Wasn't that Wes Sims dressed as a cheerleader in Genki Sudo's last K1 entrance??? I've heard the tv makes you look more feminine and at least 16 inches shorter.

ttt 4 cheerleaders!

Sudo can dress as anything he wants. Unlike Sims Sudo backs his azz up baybee!

P.S. Sorry I missed class tonight. I know you wanted to try that Nog choke on me from the last Pride show. Thursday ok?


I e-mailed you regarding the seminar, I just want to make sure it got to you.




You've got mail.


Could you post that hotel information again for me?


Sure. Just remember to call and get the best rates folks.


Howard Johnson

Days Inn

Darlene Motel (For those bringing their own hookers)
Just kidding, it's an ok place.

Lamplighter Inn

Comfort Hotel