From MMAWeekly.comWhile the stiches will help the eye recover, there was some bad news for Randy. Couture said "The most serious part about the eye now isn't the cut, it's the pupil dialating properly. That is the most serious issue." Couture will have to take a prescribed steroid eye drop to help dialate the pupil of the eye. Once that happens, then things should be o.k., but the eye needs to dialate properly and that's what doctors are most concerned about right now.
This was too easy to figure out.
seriously, there needs to be some standards about mod trolling
go on the OG... mods troll all day long there
All steroids are NOT anabolic(muscle building). All the word "steroid" refers to is that it is a "fat based hormone". Cortasone is a "steroid" but is catabolic(eats muscle) and is used by thousands of people a day. I don't see these folks walking around all "jacked".
Exactly, they probably prescribed a corticosteroid to help alleviate the swelling.
corticosteroidcs are catabolic, and cause muscle loss
lol better not goto the eye doc before a fight then heh
They only cause localized tissue breakdown, not throughout the entire body.
I use steroids daily for a skin condition, glad to see I'm in a big club with famous fighters. :)
They prescribe steroids for herpes now?
Cool, there is hope for you then. :)
my heart sank for a second
Randy,probably has a corneal abrassion whch caused an iritis(inflamation of the iris),the treatment for that is steroid drops and dilating drops(to stop the iris muscles from having spasms). He will be fine in a week if that.
I wonder what would happen if l use it on my penis?
wow, i almost lost faith in America