COVID timeline for returning to norm?

………… ?

I know. We already discussed this. Haha!

Not for a while. The most powerful strain of the virus is the political version of it.

We have businesses making absolute fortunes. It’s used as a political tool to divide, to fear monger and to drive attention from other problems. Then we have people with personal interests. WFH is fucking great! Fuck going back to norm.

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So true man. We have to move forward.

Oh no. Get well soon bro. Take care of you and your fam. Hard times man.

Ya so true man. The norm. What even is that? It definitely changed my life. And my friend. Lol

I follow the data quite closely. Omicron will almost certainly be the end of the pandemic. It is mild, and extremely transmissible. It will get around everyone fast, and most people will be fine. Moreover, it will leave everyone with further (and more varied) immunity.

In some sense, I would say the pandemic is already close to being over. However, I suspect it will take a long while for a lot of ‘covid extreme’ types to accept this.

One way to measure this will be when hospitalizations are back to pre-pandemic levels.

I suspect for some countries all restrictions, and the ‘mind of covid’ will disappear in second quatre of this year.

USA may take longer, in the blue states.


You mean ThatsHowITroll

Omg. Amazing. This is the response I like to see. Someone with a chip ober their shoulder. Salute to you sir. And thank you or engaging.:raised_hands: