Cowboy on BJ: we smoke dope together and train

Eh, I don't even consider that ratting out, weed is not a big deal today in NM, they have medical and possession under an ounce is a misdemeanor that in all likelihood would just result in a fine.

I guess maybe the USADA might ramp up testing if they hear about it, but it seems me doping standards regarding marijuana are getting laxer, not more serious.

I'm picturing Gregg Jackson gym like a Cheech and Chong car with smoke billowing out as they all exit and Jon jones playing demolition derby in the parking lot Phone Post 3.0

Andrewsimar Palhardass -
King Of All Tenors - then how come only the Diaz bros and Pat Healy ever fail weed test? Phone Post 3.0

New drug testing system (and old one, actually.. but it wasn't followed) doesn't allow testing for rec drugs out of competition. They can smoke as much as they want until fight week, basically. I say fight week because when they do test for rec drugs the threshold for weed is pretty high so they would have to smoke in the last few days to pop.
They also raised threshold shortly after Pat's failure if I remember correctly.

He was in the gym training with us the morning after the results broke. Obviously he was pretty bummed, but I wouldn't have been taking it nearly as level headed as he was. He and his brother are great guys, always positive and fun to train with even for us recreational old dudes. Phone Post 3.0

NaturalBornTickler -
ThatsHowIRoll -
King Of All Tenors - then how come only the Diaz bros and Pat Healy ever fail weed test? Phone Post 3.0

Because Nick smokes all the way up to the fight.

Wasn't he "allegedly" stoned for the fireball kid Phone Post 3.0
Out of his mind Phone Post 3.0

Fight4Food - Show me that pot this reduces pain physical Phone Post 3.0
Show us that is doesn't Phone Post 3.0

doesnt cowboy live in colorado?  weed is legal there.  why wouldnt you smoke weed??

DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - Any news on how BJ is doing at Jackson's Phone Post 3.0
He's never been higher Phone Post 3.0

Jayreeee -
Fight4Food - Show me that pot this reduces pain physical Phone Post 3.0
Show us that is doesn't Phone Post 3.0

Why do we have to show that? Do we need to do a study to prove that water and chicken and oxygen also aren't pain relievers? If you think a substance does something, it's on you to prove that.

Wampa Stampah -
Fight4Food - Show me that pot this reduces pain physical Phone Post 3.0
There is tons of evidence that weed reduces pain. It's why cancer patients and people with chronic pain are using it instead of opiates.

I'm not saying you're novacane numb but it definitely has an effect. Same reason it helps with fatigue. Phone Post 3.0

"chronic pain". This is not the kind of pain that you experience when someone hits you (and that is exactly what the official suggested in Diaz' case).

Oversharing is becoming a big problem these days. Phone Post 3.0


If I wanna eat dominos then Imma fuckin eat dominos, If I wanna smoke a fuckin joint then Imma smoke a fuckin joint

Fuck yeah. Man shit. Phone Post 3.0