Cowboy vs. Nate Diaz

This would be epic - two warriors who are well rounded and aggressive. Who takes it?

I'd have to give the edge to Cowboy - I think his speed would be the difference maker.

Cowboy wants nam at 45's Phone Post

He said in an interview after the fight that he'd take on anybody and sort of backed off the idea of fighting Nam. I don't think that fight makes sense at all.

robopimp - He said in an interview after the fight that he'd take on anybody and sort of backed off the idea of fighting Nam. I don't think that fight makes sense at all.

 Makes no sense.  Cowboy is working his way to the title shot and taking a fight in another weight class wouldn't do anything for him.

Diaz just crushed Gomi at 155 and would be a sick match-up for Cowboy, although Diaz might not be ranked highly enough at this point for it to make sense. Love to see it, though.

Cowboy vs. Pettis would also be a great fight.

Cowboy vs Gray then give him a crack at that title!!! Phone Post

I would actually take Gray in that fight - seems like a bad stylistic match-up for Cowboy. Gray would just take him down for three rounds and win via decision. I want to see someone who'll stand with him.

As much as I love Pettis/Lauzon.. I think I'd rather see Cowboy/Pettis. It's a fight we never got to see in the WEC, and both fighters are saying they want another fight before the year is over. Phone Post

Cowboy vs Melvin. Phone Post

Doesnt matter if the fight doesn't make any sense. I think it would be a hell of a fight. Dislike them both equally but it would definitely be an entertaining fight Phone Post

I would favor cerrone but he could not overwhelm Diaz like he has with his past opponents and I would like to see how he responds to that Phone Post

Cowboy deserves someone higher up Phone Post

Would love to see this fight. Phone Post