
nalupono - 
Fya Man - "Cap, I don't know what happened, I just found him like that"

would have to say "chief, i don't know what happened, i just found him like that" lol

Just checked the RMS, saw who the crew was. BMFL just fill out the Form 72 already.

hey buddy... we got mats now... put in your 72, i give you first lesson free.

You gotta be on the engine, though... the ladder is for men only, not boys.

"Do you know how I know you're gay?"

oh no way, ladder v engine stuff now huh? lolif you need a good blow job for your fire, call a ladder.

ladder????????? aren't those the guys that only go to medical calls and have never seen a FIRE?? you know, like the first battlion. lol.

WTF?!?!? I never even said i was first battalion... how u knew?!?!?

dont you have an auto accident to sweep up somewhere? damn janitors... =)

Fya Man - Hey, at least you don't work with the guy for 24 hrs at a time...

Oh wait, I guess you.

That's what the mats are at the station for. A little rolling can always escalate to something more. Just remember not to have any 'witnesses'. Or as a former Captain of mine used to say, "drunk no count" with the holidays coming up it's a good excuse to get together outside of work and let your true feelings out. Just remember to have a video camera handy. Make sure you have him say the "I no like grappo" line over and over.

"Cap, I don't know what happened, I just found him like that"


GO TEAM!!!!!!

onfieldantics - WTF?!?!? I never even said i was first battalion... how u knew?!?!?

dont you have an auto accident to sweep up somewhere? damn janitors... =)

how did u know we went to an auto accident? stalking us on the westside? bet you wish you were on this side. lol. j/k. but you know it's true.

you name it and he did it. complete airhead who couldn't do his job. not just couldn't do the job, didn't know how to get anything done. whenever there was a question, he would ask someone else what to do. never could make a decision. i could go on, but he's gone and in a much better place. far away from me and the westside.

I told you I was sorry, Nalu. I thought we agreed you wouldn't tell anyone about me?

He always talks about how is a boxer and has gotten into numerous fights. I told him to bring his boxing gloves to the station. So far, we haven't sparred.

Believe me, his reputation preceeded him and I was always the first one to defend him (Sub knows). I figured, give the dude a chance you know?

But there is only so much that a dude can take. I love everybody (except the Micros, fuk them), but I can only take so much.

When are the damn moves coming?!!!

onfieldantics - hey buddy... we got mats now... put in your 72, i give you first lesson free.

You gotta be on the engine, though... the ladder is for men only, not boys.

"Do you know how I know you're gay?"

Do you know how I know you're gay?

Because ladder guys only play with their fans while the real men put the fire out.

co workers suck ass sometimes esp when they are your friends and they dont do shit but you dont want them to get fired because they are your friend

wOw so are the ladder guys looked down on in the department? never knew do you guys call the emt's? lol

its all in fun at most stations...but there are those instances when the trucks don't get along.

nice to see you hard at work today...

kanotoa - Is the ladder vs. Engine thing real?

nah just good old fun. mo matter what truck you are on, it's the better truck. even though we all know that the ladder can't do anything of value without the engine. :)

onfieldantics - nice to see you hard at work today...

We seriously need to work a recall together...preferably somewhere with a couple of computers right next to each other...

...and thats how I know you're gay!

guess who's the lucky guy relieving on an engine today?

at least my coworkers are cool...

another day at work in the middle of microville...