CPR Saves a Life in BJJ Class!

On Tuesday, July 22, a local Judo instructor stopped by to train at Bruno Tostes' morning BJJ class in Latham, NY and while there, was stricken with a heart attack. Two of Bruno's students, one a fireman, and the other a teacher with extstensive CPR experience performed the life saving techniques until Emergency Medical Services arrived. The actions of Bruno's students are credited with saving the Judo Instructors life. Local newspaper coverage of the story can be found at:




ALL instructors should be required to know CPR.

Is this another Judo VS BJJ thread?!


Seriously, great work:


Even out of uniform, he's still a lifesaver
Off-duty Albany firefighter performs CPR after instructor collapses in martial arts class

First published: Saturday, July 26, 2008

COLONIE -- Maybe it's because John McGlone saves lives for a living, but what he did Tuesday doesn't strike him as particularly impressive.
While most people were downing their morning coffee or crawling down the Northway or daydreaming about spending a day at the track, the 49-year-old off-duty Albany firefighter was settling into a class at Bruno Tostes' Brazilian jujitsu academy.

Guest instructor Peter Andres, who had been demonstrating moves solo in front of the class, crumpled to the floor of the martial arts school at Latham Circle Mall. Hardly breathing, if at all. No discernible pulse. In trouble.

Tostes said it's not unusual for people to go down hard in jujitsu, even briefly lose consciousness.

Typically, "in a matter of five to 10 seconds, the guy comes back," Tostes said. "But with Pete it was different."

When Andres, 59, of Nassau, didn't quickly revive, McGlone, a 15-year veteran of the Albany Fire Department who is assigned to Ladder 4 on Delaware Avenue, did what the city trained him to do.

With the help of another student, he began CPR.

The 911 call came into Colonie Public Safety headquarters at 8:19 a.m. Paramedics were on the way but McGlone had to buy time.

His modesty renders him reluctant to discuss the incident at all: McGlone understatedly said that maybe the most unusual thing about the whole sequence was that he didn't have his standard equipment. He said it couldn't have lasted more than a couple of minutes and seems like a blur now.

But Andres was breathing when he left with Colonie EMS workers. He had a pulse, and a shot at life.

"They did such a good job with CPR that, as they were doing CPR, the patient was breathing on his own," said Colonie EMS Chief Jon Politis.

Since 2006, his department has aggressively sought to increase the ranks of Colonie residents who know the life-saving technique by using a quicker, more accessible training program known as CPR Anytime.

With cardiac arrest, time is life. Ninety-five percent of people stricken outside the hospital never make it there, according to the American Heart Association, and CPR done correctly by a bystander can double a victim's chance of survival.

McGlone praised the quick response by Colonie EMS. "It's a good example of how CPR works if you're right on the spot," McGlone said. "I think it's definitely good for people to learn it."

But Tostes said it was more than just being in the right spot at the right time.

"He did awesome," Tostes said. "That's his job, to save people's lives. It gives me such a comfort level to have him be part of my school."

On Friday, Andres was resting and recovering at St. Peter's Hospital with his family. Through a hospital spokesman, Andres' wife, Kathleen, said the family hadn't known McGlone's identity but was grateful for his service.

"He certainly saved his life," she said.

Jordan Carleo-Evangelist can be reached at 454-5445 or by e-mail at jcarleo-evangelist@ timesunion.com.

Its about time bjj'ers gave something back!!

Good job!


Great story.

MoreThanUFC -  Damn Judoka's end up having heart attacks trying out BJJ.  Train BJJ!

Seriously, great story.

 LOL I knew somebody would make that connection.

That's awesome, great to hear. :)

This is a great story.

donttazemebro - Awesome.

ALL instructors should be required to know CPR.
