Creepiest MMA Vid ever

Go check out the video Sherdog has of the IFL's post fight press conference.  At about 3:35 Rory Markham leans into the mic to answer a question and does the creepiest thing I think I've ever seen.  Go check it out.

wtf......what kind of team is this?

Animalistic pack behavior is never creepy. Always acceptable regardless of its nature.



i cannot believe I sat through that.



The passion in his eyes when he said "yeahhh" crackedme up...


Beware if you follow that link. It dropped spyware/adware on my computer. F'n Sherdog.

"Beware if you follow that link. It dropped spyware/adware on my computer. F'n Sherdog."

Firewalls, ad blockers, Firefox with ad blocker plugin and spyware blockers are all your friends...

What the fuck was that? Rofl.

ttt for the creepiness

I run Firefox w/blockers and STILL got shit dropped on me. I was able to delete it,but it still annoys me that they do that.

Im not going to go check it out because of the spy ware/ adware, but can one of you please describe to me what happened? Thanks in advance, Jon

Rory is asked a question and leans into the mic to answer, as his nose passes over Pat M,'s shoulder, he takes a deep whiff of Pat's odor and says, "Mmmmmmm,yeah!" with a look of ultimate satifaction on his face,cracking up the surrounding people.

LOL funny shit, Thanks racerX. I'll be sure to check it out Monday when I'm at work (on a company computer).