Critics Speak - EA MMA Squashes Undisputed

its pretty widely known that EA and alot of other companies buy ratings. im not saying its a bad game(i have not and will not play it or undisputed, just not my genre of game)but reviews dont mean shit(esp IGN reviews)

X-play on G4 tends to have the best reviews since they show game play and use the gameplay video to point out the faults and good parts of a game.

Is the finished game better than the demo? I played the demo and didn't care for it. It felt like your guy was ice skating, and the grappling didn't feel like MMA at all to me. I really wanted this game to be good, I was so looking forward to fighting in Japan and fighting as guys like Overeem, Mayhem, Aoki, but the demo turned me off completely.

stickapple - 
doomrider7 - 
Unseen -  <div class="head"><div class="wrap"><h2 class="module_title">EA Sports MMA Reviews</h2></div></div><table summary="Other reviews of EA Sports MMA"> <caption>Other reviews of EA Sports MMA</caption> <tbody> <tr> <td class="site"><a rel="popup:blank nofollow" href=""&gt;Cheat Code Central</a> *</td> <td class="score">4.1 / 5</td> <td class="date">Oct 19, 2010</td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="site"><a rel="popup:blank nofollow" href=""&gt;GameShark&lt;/a> *</td> <td class="score">A-</td> <td class="date">Oct 19, 2010</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="site">Official Xbox Magazine *</td> <td class="score">9 / 10</td> <td class="date">Oct 19, 2010</td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td class="site">GamePro *</td> <td class="score">4.5 / 5</td> <td class="date">Oct 19, 2010</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

UFC Undisputed Reviews

Cheat Code Central - 4.4/5
GameShark - B+(3 empty blocks vs 2 empty blocks)
Official Xbox Magazine - 9/10
GamePro - 5/5

Other than GameShark the same exact reviewers gave UFC Undisputed higher scores. In the end it's not gonna matter much. Without the same marketing push and fighter interest that the UFC game had along with the terrible timing of the games launch(same week as Fallout, Castlevania, Fable III, Assasins Creed, and several others this game is gona have a rough time making sales.
Hardly squashing Undisputed... lol


P.S. Sorry for the ungodly jumble mess.

sewich - its pretty widely known that EA and alot of other companies buy ratings. im not saying its a bad game(i have not and will not play it or undisputed, just not my genre of game)but reviews dont mean shit(esp IGN reviews)

X-play on G4 tends to have the best reviews since they show game play and use the gameplay video to point out the faults and good parts of a game.

Personally I go with the GameFaqs reviews since they come from regular gamers.

The graphics on the promo were great. The characters look absurdly realistic... Oh wait, that was an actor.... brb

The demo blew donkey dick so I don't think I'm picking this I the only one that wondered why Mayhem was better than Jake Shields in the demo?

I would encourage anyone who did not like the demo to still pick up the game. It's not too much different from the demo, but fighting with different fighters and arenas REALLY makes a difference. It's a breath of fresh air, for real. Soccer kicking people and choking them out cold/breaking their arms is awesome. The crazy PRIDE lady announcing in Japan is awesome. Most of the fighters look very real. The biggest fuck up face wise is Aoki. Some of the ratings are questionable, but all in all it's a really cool game and something new for those who have been playing Undisputed. It's so much easier and smoother online. 

EA Sports MMA and UFC Undisputed has the exact same score on Metacritic.. Thread starter is a dumb ass

Personally, as someone who loved UFC Undisputed 2010, I think EA MMA is much better. I only tried 3 fights online on UFC 2010, and it lagged horribly. I mean it moved so slow it looked like the screen was freezing at times. I've already done over 20 fights on EA MMA and it feels like someone is sitting right next to me playing me, as it doesn't lag one bit. The career mode blows away 2010, as well as create a fighter. It's awesome that you can download CAF's, use photoscan, and save highlights. If I were to recommend one of the games for someone, I'd def say get EA over 2010. Phone Post

I downloaded the demo and played the "mma 101" to learn how to play. I hated the demo and reverted back to the almighty Halo Reach. I played the demo mmmmmmmmm,,,, maybe 10 times or so.
So the full game is out and I rented it instead of buying it due to the demo. 5 games in and my opinion has changed 180 degrees.
We will see once the exploits of the game come out. Until then its going to be fun learning how to play this game.

I just spent another good hour or two with the demo. Someone mentioned you could switch the controls to buttons instead of the stick, that made it way more playable to me. I still think I like Undisputed better, but I might give EA MMA a shot. I think at the very least it's easier to pick up and play, and will make for a better party game that way. Undisputed takes a while to really learn, but once you do it's so rewarding. EA MMA seems to have much shallower gameplay, but next time we've got a group together to watch fights, we can pop it in and everyone can enjoy it much easier.

I am enjoying EA MMA right now more than I enjoyed undisputed. I really can't wait to see how they improve it for the sequel

It is clearly MUCH better than Undisputed, and could become the best sports game as they continue to improve new versions.

and I could become a multi=millionaire if I hit Lotto. Doesn't mean it's even close to happening though.

I played the demo and wasn't impressed at all after a few matches. I haven't touched it since. After hearing about everyone say it is actually a good game and you can switch the controls to use the buttons i may go back and try it out some more. Or actually learn to use the stick.

The thing with the stick for striking control is that i never cared much for it in fight night. I know a lot of people bitch and complain about the "button mashers". It's a fucking videogame, it shouldn't be hard to perform the controls that are necessary to play the game. It should be more about learning the timing of when to throw kicks, punches, and shoot take downs.

I am going to go and rent the game to see if how i like it after spending a week with it. Interested in the create a fighter as well as the career. I wish the THQ qould have half as much depth in the UFC game with their Creat a Fighter as they used to with the wrestling games.

I had a lot of fun with the UFC games. The career mode got seiously repetitive after a while in order to build stats up for your fighter. I liked the game play of the new UFC and the improved submission game. I was disappointed that they couldn't implement sweeps though. Overall though it was a real fun game, I got too good at it and none of my friends ever want to play me now which sucks. The online mode was horrendous, but i haven't tried playing it online for awhile.

I don't understand why eveyone are acting like dumbasses and being so biased towards one game or the other. It's fine to give an honest opinion but some of you are going on a crusade either for against the games, that is ridiculous.

The critics speak indeed:


EA Sports MMA
82 out of 100


UFC Undisputed 2010
84 out of 100