Cuban will destroy Dana White

"I'm sure Mark Cuban will use all his time and money just to beat the UFC, it will be the main focus of his life no matter how much it costs."

i doubt mark cuban is in this to destroy dana white, but if he follows through with this, it will make the ufc pay the fighters more and give them better benefits.  that's what is really important

"competition can only be good for the sport."

Yes but it's competition between fighters that's good. Not between organizations that divide the talent up. It's time to see legit world champions now.

Towe- easy there smartypants. maybe you're missing my point because your head is so far up dana's ass. the fertitta brothers were in the CASINO business and dana was a boxing promoter. what's your point?

"1 Major League Baseball

1 National Football League

1 National Basketball Association

1 Ultimate Fighting Championship"

and LOL@ this. the top 3 are professional sports that have a storied history. MMA is a new sport that is growing, and will continue to grow. i do not hate the UFC but it is not the be all, end all of mix martial arts. it's only the beginning.

Yeah! that would be so awesome if Cuban destroyed dana and the UFC and UFC went out of business! That would be great!

Strange that Cuban is so much better than Dana, yet WEC is doing much better now that Zuffa has taken it over than it was back when Cuban was pumping money and promotion into it on HDNet.

HDNet has a small viewer ship. Anything on that network just can't compete.

"Oh yea,dana is done"

how many honestly believe this is what it's all about with cuban?  i know you people are out there.

Didn't Cuban used to own or had invested money into the WEC?

He'll fail IMO.

Not that I want him to, but the UFC is very well known now and it's what the average Joe thinks of when MMA is brought up.

And that last part is hard to beat.

both the Ferittas and Cuban are billionares.

I personally think that the Feritta's business experience is more impressive - they slowly built up Station Casinos into a multibillion dollar company.

Cuban admits to getting lucky and selling a basically worthless company during the Dot-Com era.

Cuban's handling of the Mavericks is pretty impressive though.

"Erik Paulson vs. Jeff Ford Jason House vs. Freddy Espiricueta Justin Eilers vs. Justin Howard Anthony Lapsley vs. TJ Walberger Pete Spratt vs. Sammy Morgan Sean Salmon vs. Leopoldo Serao Liam McCarty vs. Ivan Jorge Sunia Filikitonga vs. Joel Traves"

There's a stunner, the most recognizable fighters on there are former UFC/TUF fighters.

Let me guess, though: "This card is better than most UFC cards".

The average IQ on here is about 90. Most of you try to bring these discussions to the level my team vs your team.

Go Cubes!

just a regular dude who hit it big.


Why so many people believe that having some success with an already established team in an already etablished sport will automatically translate to some kind of visionary genius starting from scratch in mma is beyond me.

Cuban does have visionary genius. He didn't make his money with the Mavs.

Cuban is a disruptor. He won't come into MMA and model the UFC, but try to do it better. He will try to shake things up. He will ask why fighters sign contracts with promotions and he will set out to change it.

fullpint, how did he make his money?

Cuban is a piker.

What MMA needs is Ross Perot.

Cuban started and sold it to Yahoo for around $6 Billion in Yahoo stock. He then had the VISION to know that the "dot com boom" was a farse and he got out at the right time.

After dabbling in a couple other ventures he purchased the Mavericks and turned them from the most laughable franchises in NBA history to a perennial playoff team and title contender. He was instrumental in building the new arena in Dallas which has spurred Victory Park (a huge mixed use development). Ticket prices for the Dallas Mavericks are thru the roof, not only because of their success, but because of the marketing that he wraps around the organization.

Just because he doesn't wear a suit and tie and doesn't act like a billionaire doesn't mean that he is just some Joe Blow who just happened to get lucky.

He posts on his blog 2 to 3 times per week where he is usually speculating about the future of various industries form sports, personal technology, the internet, etc. Check it out at

He has had his share of unsuccessful ventures, but every visionary risktaker does. It isn't difficult to judge the net success of his ventures.

I am no Mark Cuban expert, but I do live in Dallas where I hear about him quite often and I read his blog on a regular basis. I don't know whether or not his MMA venture will be a success or not, but I guarantee you he isn't just going to yell "YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAWWWWW" and throw his hat into the ring and just rely on his money and reputation.

"Yeah! Just like Calvin Ayres and Gary Shaw did!"


"yet you metion his name in a negative way in every post you make."

funny thing, i posted his name once. it's hilarious how you're so convinced that the UFC is untouchable.

"It is the be all, end all of MMA at the moment, whether mental midgets like yourself admit it or not. Only time will tell if it stays like that."

RLN- wow, another UFC/TUF fanboy surprise surprise. in that same sentence you don't even sound certain it will remain on top. how quickly people forget that it was only a few UFCs ago that it started being covered by the major networks. like LESS THAN A YEAR AGO. yet idiots with their blind loyalty to the ufc (who knows why) are ready to call it of the major professional sports now.

i agree with the previous poster that you guys can't get over the 'my team vs your team' an MMA fan (i have nothing against the ufc whatsoever), i wanna see the best fighters fight. period. guess what, the organization that treats fighters with respect and pays handsomely (which mark cuban has never been afraid of doing) will be getting the best fighters. bottom line.

i don't know mark cuban personally, but the man is a visionary whether u wanna accept it or not. your not a self-made billionaire by accident.

"I doubt Cuban is richer than Lorenzo and Frank.."

FYI, cuban is listed on the Forbes 400 list of richest americans with a net worth of $2.3 BILLION dollars. the fertitta brothers are nowhere to be found on that list.