Cung Le vs. Fedor

I think Cung Le wins this, hands down. He will slam Fedor, let him get up, repeat.

How irreverent and humorous. Your shining moment, im sure.

"How irreverent and humorous. Your shining moment, im sure."

I will give you rape.

I'll give you correct change.

you opened up an account here to post that?

lol at Cung Le trolling

cung le the man....... NOT.. u r a moron

Borat: "cung le is NOT!!! the man..."

this thread ranks pretty high in the all time BS "weaker guy owns fedor" threads...I mean Cung le??? hes good at San Shou but in MMA hes not too impressive and hes only like 185 way it could ever happen, obvious troll attempt...sad really

"hes good at San Shou"

Should read he is good at fighting people who have never had a san shou match before and simply taking them down again and again.