Curran vs Fabiano

Alas, all he can do is imitate the sound the microwave makes when the food is done.

We all have our talents canario

I'll go with Wagnney. Curran's great, but I don't think he can handle Wagnney's strength.

LMAO at curran not handling fabiano's strength

There is no way Wags is anywhere close to being as strong as Serra, so Jeff would be just fine.

Wagnney is VERY strong. But at 145lbs I am sure Wagnney has better assets then his strengh.

some1 make it happen already

Just curious, what does Wags walk at?

Jeff Curran will smite all the non-believers!

Curran fought Serra to a standstill in MMA and Serra cuts down from 170.

Dougie, Serra routinely bulks up way past 170 to help out his bigger teammates.

I think it would be a great fight

It would be a great fight

the fight would be good

Do you guys think the fight would be good?


a good fight it would be Patow

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't really fuzzy, wuzzy?


I think Fuzzy Wuzzy would lose to the big frog or Wagnney.

But it would be a good fight.