Freak Strong Combat Cages is selling 6-sided & 10-sided MMA cages. Best design on the market. These cages have been used by many in the MMA community including to name a few King Of The Cage, Next Level Fighting, Cage Furry, Ohio Fighting Alliance, I.C.E. , Kentucky Fighting Challenge and many more. Call about details on full sized and floor model cages 740-361-7151 or e-mail me at
If you build one around my entire workplace, it's legal to punch out my co-workers, right?
ttt for some more info... pics, etc
ttt. more info
Anyone interested can also e-mail me at and I will e-mail pics and so on.
post a picture
Please post PIC'S!
Pics is good or a link.
not the best for a striker imo
how much do they run b/c my team is looking to get one
Standard 20 x 20 Cage Includes, Cage Frame, Steps, Top & Bottom Rail Pads, Corner Pads (all colors), Floor Padding, Plywood, Plywood Cut To Fit, Vinyl Tarp (floor cover), Vinyl Wraps (all colors), & Skirting for more information e-mail me at and i will e-mail pics and so on or call 740-361-7151
i still need pads for my cage