Custom built MMA cages 4-sale

My fighters have faught in several of freakstrong cages. I have inspected the cages before the fights and they are quality cages. A business partner of mine in Oregon has a Combat Sports cage and he is now going with the FSCC.

I will have my FSCC in about 3 weeks. I will then post my pics and let everyone know what I think of our new cage.


I have reffed over 700 fights & these are the best I've seen...........




No problem.

THANKS Matheny!

Some of these pics don't have the pads on top or bottom that come w/ them which make them look even sweeter. You can put your own schools logo on the corners or sell the advertisement to sponsors. When you skirt them you can sell adv. space there also. They only use quality materials on these.UHHHHH......I was reffing the show a few weeks ago when the door fell off & 2 fighters went out.( can you say embarassing ?)Freaks locks can hold 2 superheavy weight fighters,2 fat ring girls,& a fat reff !!!Matheny-Ohio's best damn reff.

The pads are on the way, Mark...
yeah, i was sitting with Freakstrong when the guys fell out of that faulty CombatSports cage... holy sheeet!

take care, Mark. I will be thinkin of you.


I'm looking at the Throwdown cage but FS cage is a lot less money. How do they compare?

e-mail with all the questions that you have and they will be answered Thanks!



If this is who I think it is...his cages are some of the best designed I have ever seen! 

15' Ft cage, that sits fairly close to the ground...what would my cost be???

- Dustin (

his cages? i'm not a dude


Amanda produces some great cages.


Sorry :-(