Custom built MMA cages 4-sale

ttt  best cage out there and better pricing. 4 guys can have it unlaoded and set up in less than 1 1/2 hours. 45 min to tear down and load.




LOL @ "I'm not a dude"

Nice looking cages, btw. I've bookmarked your myspace page for later...

One question I hope you can answer here: Do they come with the risers and if so, is the height adjustable (like say, anywhere between 2 feet to 4 feet off the ground)?

Nice cage, my team just got one a few months we didnt get any corner pads


Morgz our cage can be made with adjustable legs that will give you one and three feet off the ground

Chris e-mail me at if you are interested in buying corner pads and we can set you up with a price. thanks


As I said before, of my 600 + fights that I have reffed, this is one of the best.And by the way , they are named after Amanda(Scott's girl} & she IS a FREAK........

Last time it was 700+ (just playin with you).

Thanks Freakstrong. The 1' to 3' height adjustment is fantastic.

haha Matheny come on now don't give me all the credit we all know Scott's the freak



Morgz...I said 600 + ( ie. 600 + 100!!LOL} I am from W.Va & can't count very well.....But I am reffing in UFC 68 !!!!!!!!

That is awesome...Congrats! And I was just being a smartass, BTW.


Theres something in that Ohio Water