You can not trademark a shape. Hell there is an octagon on every street corner. So if you run through one of these octagons on the corner w/ out stopping & the cops give you a ticket,then does the UFC get a cut of the money?
MAD TIGER Sorry we DO NOT make an 8 sided cage. We ONLY deal with 6 and 10 sided cages.
It is the shape, its an eight sided fighting surface
I have had my Freak Strong Combat Cage for 2 weeks now and I am loving it. It is a great addition to the school and the promoters love it.
We will have a show this weekend in Shawnee, Oklahoma where Sean Sherk will be. I will take some good pictures of the Freak Strong Combat Cage at the show.
Thanks Piet. Look forward to seeing them. ttt King Triton
ttt for your cage. I am booked the whole month of Feb, I have set dates for March and Apl already. People love your cage. As soon as some promoters saw the cage they put in the request to rent. Thanks for pruducing such a kick ass cage bro.
NEW 10 SIDED CAGES if you're interested e-mail us at for more information.
TTT for pix of ten sided cages
Amanda is a ten also.........