Cyborg admits doing steroids for weight loss


4 years ago my career suffered a huge setback when I disappointed my family, friends, and fans by using a banned substance as an aide to lose weight. Following my suspension for doping I found myself alone, without a belt, and at one of the lowest points of my life as the competition mocked me. I used the opportunity to spend time with my family, compete in Jiu Jitsu, and mostly rediscover the woman inside; Cristiane Justino, not Cyborg. During this low point of my life Is where I began to see the miracles God had been working all around me. I developed a new passion for the sport, focused my values on what was most important, and became a more mature-understanding woman. Returning back to the sport and winning my world title were important goals, but earning back the trust of my loyal family, friends, and fans was most important. In 2013 I won back my World Title I Wanted to prove to my fans they could trust my accomplishments so I registered with USADA, the premier anti doping regulatory body in the world. When I made my UFC debut, I also became the first athlete to do over 1 year of USADA testing BEFORE fighting in the octagon. I am proud of this fact because it allows my fans to trust in me and I have the best fans in the sport! Over 30 million people watched my last fight live on TV in Brazil and the 1.3 million who watched in the USA made the fight the most watched female UFC event ever broadcasted on @fs1 #CyborgNation is growing, and the numbers prove my fans are loyal and will follow my career wherever I fight. I learned a lot about life during my setback, and it is one of those experiences I try to explain to younger athletes to prevent them from the same career mistakes. I am proud to be World Champion at 145lbs and appreciate all the support for those asking the UFC to create the division. Women deserve the same opportunities to compete as men and we will keep working together to help grow the opportunity for all women to showcase their talents. We deserve to be seen!

A photo posted by CRISTIANE V JUSTINO ????? (@criscyborg) on


text version:


4 years ago my career suffered a huge setback when I disappointed my family, friends, and fans by using a banned substance as an aide to lose weight. Following my suspension for doping I found myself alone, without a belt, and at one of the lowest points of my life as the competition mocked me.
I used the opportunity to spend time with my family, compete in Jiu Jitsu, and mostly rediscover the woman inside; Cristiane Justino, not Cyborg.

During this low point of my life Is where I began to see the miracles God had been working all around me. I developed a new passion for the sport, focused my values on what was most important, and became a more mature-understanding woman.

Returning back to the sport and winning my world title were important goals, but earning back the trust of my loyal family, friends, and fans was most important.

In 2013 I won back my World Title I Wanted to prove to my fans they could trust my accomplishments so I registered with USADA, the premier anti doping regulatory body in the world.

When I made my UFC debut, I also became the first athlete to do over 1 year of USADA testing BEFORE fighting in the octagon.
I am proud of this fact because it allows my fans to trust in me and I have the best fans in the sport!

Over 30 million people watched my last fight live on TV in Brazil and the 1.3 million who watched in the USA made the fight the most watched female UFC event ever broadcasted on @fs1

#CyborgNation is growing, and the numbers prove my fans are loyal and will follow my career wherever I fight.

I learned a lot about life during my setback, and it is one of those experiences I try to explain to younger athletes to prevent them from the same career mistakes.

I am proud to be World Champion at 145lbs and appreciate all the support for those asking the UFC to create the division. Women deserve the same opportunities to compete as men and we will keep working together to help grow the opportunity for all women to showcase their talents. We deserve to be seen!

She never denied it. She always said, I was struggling to lose the weight and my coach gave me a substance that would drop the weight. 

if I was the scientist who created these steroids, I'd be furious... here I am creating a miracle drug that can rapidly boast human performance, and so far every athlete caught with them in their system has used them for non-performance reasons... confounding!

Yeah we can tell that she only used roids the one time.  All of her gains are natural. Because all natural female athletes look like her. 

We believe her that it was a one time mistake. 

Fuck are you kidding me? She is the poster child for steroids.  That is the biggest joke in this sport that she is even allowed to compete. 

She has permanently altered her body from years of steroid abuse and she can keep the ill gotten gains without even doing steroids anymore. She can test for USADA and come up clean now because she has used so much that, if she keeps lifting weights, she keeps her roid muscles.  Same with Romero and Woodley. So many years of roids and you get to keep the gains without testing positive.


Thats the worst thing about this sport. 

Guys who are doing steroids now get popped but the animals who have been cheating for years get to keep the roid body and fight.  It's a fact that after years of abuse, your body stays super muscular and that is just unfair.  It gives an advantage to the worst abusers of all. 


They should ban all roid heads for life. 

i just looked at the hashtag cyborgnation and about 80% are pictures of people on the metro or bus looking at their phones. the rest is between random stuff, guys lifting weights, and cris cyborg santos. there is also only 373 posts.

i don't know about the 30 million and 1.5 million stuff. i like cyborg, but i think a small group of people just go around and around telling her she is famous worldwide.

Joe O'Brien - On par with Clinton's "Never inhaled" bullshit explanation. Phone Post 3.0

Or maybe the "I never had sexual relations with that woman" one lol.

"aide to lose weight"
Lol!!! Phone Post 3.0

straight bullshit

I know shes not blaming clen or some magic metabolism substance for transforming her basically into a man.

El Toro _ Brocks Boxing Coach -

She never denied it. She always said, I was struggling to lose the weight and my coach gave me a substance that would drop the weight. 

provide links to that statement.

Have you guys seen the pics from her younger days? She's always had strong facial features. I doubt she was juicing in high school playing handball. Phone Post 3.0

She did pop for Winny didn't she? If so, it's plausible. That wouldn't be my first pick as a PED for combat sports. Phone Post 3.0

sawdusk - if I was the scientist who created these steroids, I'd be furious... here I am creating a miracle drug that can rapidly boast human performance, and so far every athlete caught with them in their system has used them for non-performance reasons... confounding!

Lol. Truth!

Morpheus1976 -
El Toro _ Brocks Boxing Coach -

She never denied it. She always said, I was struggling to lose the weight and my coach gave me a substance that would drop the weight. 

provide links to that statement.

It was on her documentary prior to the Lina Lansberg fight

It makes me sick how people on this site think she's so great and hard done to when she has more or less turned herself into a man with drugs

The steroid she was busted for is lauded for its performance enhancing effects in athletes whose sports require strength, speed, and power. Phone Post 3.0

Frankenzilla - She did pop for Winny didn't she? If so, it's plausible. That wouldn't be my first pick as a PED for combat sports. Phone Post 3.0
It's a dumb choice for a PED unless your goal is to drop weight without losing as much muscle and keeping (or increasing) your strength.

If you are psychologically dependent on being big, muscular and strong, it would be a great steroid to take while cutting. Phone Post 3.0

What does this have to do with Conor?

I Swing Both Ways - What does this have to do with Conor?


El Toro _ Brocks Boxing Coach - 

She never denied it. She always said, I was struggling to lose the weight and my coach gave me a substance that would drop the weight. 

She did deny it, TRU came on here with the breaking news that it was all a mistake.  That she never took a banned substance and that she would be exonerated.  She didn't admit it until she could no longer deny it.  Members of her camp at the time denied giving her anything without her consent.