Cyborg is not Overrated

Amanda Nunes is just that damn Good

Depends where you rate her.  I rare her low for beating up little unskilled chicks.  Finally fought a real one. 

ShanTheMan -

Depends where you rate her.  I rare her low for beating up little unskilled chicks.  Finally fought a real one. 

She made the low ranks look like fools and then KOed a monster

I agree 100% with this. Cyborg probably still would beat anybody not named Amanda Nunes.

Ya Nunes is crazy ahead of everyone in WMMA

finally fought someone she couldnt bully

I am disappointed cause I bet she would submit her.  I thought she would hurt her bad but that Cyborg would have a chin.  Would get dropped and choked.  But a clean Ko damn

Wow....amanda won me back as a fan,she was a viscous and gracious winner.

Everybody gets caught in mma.. 

Cyborg is still a beast but you just cant be running onto amandas punches.


Everybody gets caught in mma.. 

She was trying to Do a Wanderlei to a Crocop

Cyborg underestimated Nunes.

She caught Amanda early and you could tell Amanda didn't want anymore of that, she immediately backed off and started looking for counters and fighting smart.

Cyborg kept coming in after getting caught not respecting the power of Nunes.

Ill Portents - Cyborg's record is made of women whom she had 20lb over in the ring, and a few women her size with 3x her body fat who trained part-time.

kinda true

Fahqhard -

Relax ray.. she was fighting other women without testosterone, this time she ran into a bull Dike.. 

Haha love it

Ill Portents - Cyborg's record is made of women whom she had 20lb over in the ring, and a few women her size with 3x her body fat who trained part-time.

So you saying Amanda didn’t accomplish miuch?

Ice Cold Igors Right Hand -

Cyborg underestimated Nunes.

She caught Amanda early and you could tell Amanda didn't want anymore of that, she immediately backed off and started looking for counters and fighting smart.

Cyborg kept coming in after getting caught not respecting the power of Nunes.

Ummmm. She hit Amanda, but she never hurt her. I tend to link getting “caught” with being hurt. It’s like you watched a completely different fight. Amanda “didn’t want any more of that?” In the fight I watched Amanda stood in the pocket and threw bombs as if she knew she couldn’t be hurt. 

Karma reared its ugly head… Cyborg was saying Ronda was overrated and then Cyborg goes and looks like overrated Ronda, grabbing at air when she is in trouble before getting knocked out.

Amanda dominated her, just like she did to Ronda. Cyborg lasted 3 seconds longer.

You’re not overrated when you don’t lose for 13 years. The run ended but they all end at some point. 

Except for GSP and Bas.