Cyborg needs to stop calling herself a "Champion"

No one really cares about the roid/fat chick division that has like 4 fighters. 145 is like the female version of super heavy. It's practically dead...

Maybe nobody told Cyborg that she was stripped of the title and isn't the champ any more. Since Tru is always making statements for her I nominate him to tell her.

man meets fate - 
cheesesteak - 
man meets fate - 
cheesesteak - 
Black Belt Wrestling - Do people hate Royce this much for juicing? Weird.

Google search Roy Jones Jr failed drug test Indiana sometime. I guess you hate his guts too?

I am completely anti juicers don't get me wrong. It's just odd how some juicers are still Ok with the fans. Fascinating really.

it's not that she got caught. Many have. The thing about Cyborg is that she has no intention not to juice. It's like she's addicted to it to the point where she's about to retire rather than stop. Clearly if she stopped she could get down to 135 and be a top competitor, but she would rather not and she's being an arrogant imbecile about it.

thats a load of shit, roids or not she would still be huge and you know why?

Cause she will still lift weights and throw evangelista and tito around like they were infants, she trains at chute box and those guys probavly beat the living shit out of her for years, i bet you no one pushes ronda like that cause they are afraid they will hurt that pretty facr ot vreak her nails.

If your saying cyborg should stop training likr a man and stop lifiting weights and lose the muscle your a complete piece of shit.

I actually think cyborg could make it to 135, and when she is weighing in i brt everyone looks at her body and would say "god i havrnt had a mcrib in forever" that girl would be skin and bone.

Are you fucking retarded?

obviouslly you guys are, roids or not that girl will still be fucking huge, she not going to lose 10 or 15lvd of musclr unless she stops training, she will always be able yo yhrow big guys around till the day she dies( or just gets really old) whrn they test her agin you guys are going to ve sgocked at how fucking huge she still is and passes a piss test.

Most of the 145 lb chicks could make 135 if they stopped being juice monkeys and dieted.

Wtf, you talking about cyborg would not lose 10-15 if she quit roiding. have you ever lifted weights or roided yourself. i can attest that you immediately lose weight once you get off the gear. You can train the exact same and eat the same and it just comes off. It's water in your muscles. And she will most certainly lose strength and will no longer toss Tito around lol...

She's just scared of losing that advantage. All those other 145 juice monkey girls can finally get back to there more natural fighting weight too so they don't have to try and compete with cyborgs man bulk.