Cyborg says he's fighting Barnett at Metamoris V!

From his instagram:
"Seems like I'll step Up to face Josh Bernet for The heavy weight Title for @metamoris V. Who would like to see that? Me Parece que vou entrar pra Lutar com Josh Bernett pelo título dos pesados no @metamoris. Quem gostaria de ver essa lute?"

Buchecha wasn't confirmed??

I was told last night at training by someone close to him Buchecha was the opponent but Cyborg put this on IG late last night so I don't know now...

I think this is probably a translation thing. I follow him on IG and he makes common mistakes little grammar mistakes all the time. I think he's posing the question to the fans, and trying to generate some interest so that he can get the match. I don't think he's saying he's got it. English isn't his first language. I'm pretty sure it's just a mix up. Phone Post 3.0