Makes me cringe with mma.
I might be getting old. I remember seeing Oleg battered by Severn and "The goats vagina" on Marvin Eastman thinking "whoooaaa!!!"
This injury makes me quiver....almost worse than Corey Hill's (R.I.P) leg break.
I don't know what it is....I'm thinking that dent is just setting surreal.
I think we're going to get a lot of hate for being goat vaginas ourselves, but, I'm with you man. I think this was MMA's near death experience. We were fractions and decimals away from a death on a major network in a major promotion, and worse, it wasn't due to any kind of foul, it was a clean strike against a probably-healthy opponent.
Kinda makes you just stand back and go whoa. Keanu Reeves moment.
Seeing that Skull pressed is fucked for sure. It made me wonder how close he was to killing or severely damaging his brain. Like it was said above, the day someone dies on TV is gonna be super hard to recover from.
I almost thought "no more knees to head / face in mma".
I know I sound's just really fucked.
I don't want to be a drama queen about it, but just a curious question. I wonder what it takes exactly for someone like Viacom to drop MMA like a hot potato? I've got to imagine that there will be some serious conversations over at Viacom on Monday morning?
ithurts11 - I thought after all these years we've kinda seen it all. Brings things into perspective, one day someone will die doing this.My thoughts exactly
I certainly hope not but man that shit opened my eyes

I had a very similar injury, mine was caused by a baseball bat rather than a knee. It fractured my sinus cavity but the Dr said I was really lucky, a little lower and my eye would've been smashed and a little higher there would've been more of a chance of brain swelling. Hopefully Cyborg makes a complete and speedy recovery.
almost worst that Hill's leg break????
I will take Hill's leg break over Santos' caved in skull every time.
Clearly a dive
Yea that injury is insane. The 3d xray/mri is insane considering hes not a dead person. If you showed me that pic with no context Id just assume the person died.
Just one of those things though in this sport though. Its rare, but it can completely happen and it makes you appreciate just how much risk is involved in being a fighter.
Im just happy that MVP walked off after the knockdown. If he woulda jumped on Cyborg and landed a couple head shots before BJM stepped in, who knows, we might have had a slew of RIP threads.
jgiveshead - I don't want to be a drama queen about it, but just a curious question. I wonder what it takes exactly for someone like Viacom to drop MMA like a hot potato? I've got to imagine that there will be some serious conversations over at Viacom on Monday morning?I would assume that there's guys at Viacom with numbers.. And I'm sure these guys would.. in theory.. need to "run" these numbers they have. All of them.
I assume from there it's just whether the numbers end up running in such a way that justify the decision they want to make. If they don't, they'll probably want to rerun those numbers.
I think you can cook the numbers too if you're in a bind and they're refusing to run the way you'd like.. but that's a bit advanced for our current discussion.
I think from there.. The number guys either talk to the legal team or tell someone to talk to them in order to verify if they're all good to destroy Bellator and fire everyone without it having too much of a negative impact on the other numbers and without getting sued.
From there.. Smooth sailing?

I'd like if there was a way to protect fighters from injuries like these without fucking up MMA.
I can't think of anything...
RKing85 - almost worst that Hill's leg break????
I will take Hill's leg break over Santos' caved in skull every time.
hell to the yes
dermotfix -I'd like if there was a way to protect fighters from injuries like these without fucking up MMA.
I can't think of anything...
I think this is literally the reason why they came up with point fighting.
dermotfix -This. Much rather snap my leg in half than have my skull caved inRKing85 - almost worst that Hill's leg break????
I will take Hill's leg break over Santos' caved in skull every time.hell to the yes

jgiveshead - I don't want to be a drama queen about it, but just a curious question. I wonder what it takes exactly for someone like Viacom to drop MMA like a hot potato? I've got to imagine that there will be some serious conversations over at Viacom on Monday morning?
but there isn't gonna be a public outcry over this
so they can just let it blow over
dermotfix -Yeah literally no one seems to care outside of moderate/hardcore MMA fans.jgiveshead - I don't want to be a drama queen about it, but just a curious question. I wonder what it takes exactly for someone like Viacom to drop MMA like a hot potato? I've got to imagine that there will be some serious conversations over at Viacom on Monday morning?maybe
but there isn't gonna be a public outcry over this
so they can just let it blow over

I knew the knee landed good but I wasn't expecting his forehead to be caved in like that, absolutely devastating for santos I wonder if that will be the end of his fighting career?
Hope he gets the best surgery possible for an injury like that.
Too Rude - Yea that injury is insane. The 3d xray/mri is insane considering hes not a dead person. If you showed me that pic with no context Id just assume the person died.So true. I'm glad MVP is a show off and loves those walk offs. One blow could have ended him
Just one of those things though in this sport though. Its rare, but it can completely happen and it makes you appreciate just how much risk is involved in being a fighter.
Im just happy that MVP walked off after the knockdown. If he woulda jumped on Cyborg and landed a couple head shots before BJM stepped in, who knows, we might have had a slew of RIP threads.

Now Tito isn't the only person with a cracked skull. Cyborg has one now!
Hope he gets recovers fast, I have no idea what kind of time period someone recovers from an injury like this, it doesn't look good. Maybe 6 months or more?