D.C. Breaks down GSPs wrestling

Solid interview from Luke Thomas. Appreciate the Cormier shoutout for Ohio wrestling. 



Dan came off really well in that interview. He knows his stuff and describes it with passion.

Why does his speech seem so off of typical? Is he dipping, intoxicated, or a bit punchy?


jpm995 -

Dan came off really well in that interview. He knows his stuff and describes it with passion.

Exactly my thoughts. I dont understand why the crowds are booing him. He is such a good guy.




It blows my mind that anyone that’s not named Jon Jones could boo or dislike this guy. DC seems like he’s about as stand up a man as there is, in MMA and just life in general. Listening to him drop all of that wrestling knowledge was great too.

IHeartBoobies -

It blows my mind that anyone that’s not named Jon Jones could boo or dislike this guy. DC seems like he’s about as stand up a man as there is, in MMA and just life in general. Listening to him drop all of that wrestling knowledge was great too.

cheating at weigh-ins will do that to you...

Great insight from DC.

IHeartBoobies - 

It blows my mind that anyone that’s not named Jon Jones could boo or dislike this guy. DC seems like he’s about as stand up a man as there is, in MMA and just life in general. Listening to him drop all of that wrestling knowledge was great too.

Blows my mind, too. He's a great guy and not only provides a ton of MMA knowledge, but explains it in a way anyone can understand. For whatever reason, some people chose to cheer for (and some still do) a PED cheating, lying, felony committing, pregnant woman arm-breaking, fake, and multiple time suspended POS in JBJ.

Each their own, I guess.

Just watched, what a great interview. Loved hearing his take on watching Cael Sanderson vs Romero.

TexDeuce - Just watched, what a great interview. Loved hearing his take on watching Cael Sanderson vs Romero.

Yea, very cool


0hi0direct -
TexDeuce - Just watched, what a great interview. Loved hearing his take on watching Cael Sanderson vs Romero.

Yea, very cool

Same. I really like DC.
IHeartBoobies -

It blows my mind that anyone that’s not named Jon Jones could boo or dislike this guy. DC seems like he’s about as stand up a man as there is, in MMA and just life in general. Listening to him drop all of that wrestling knowledge was great too.

This. DC just seems like a good human being.